United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Elizabeth, as they drove along, watched for the first appearance of Pemberley Woods with some perturbation; and when at length they turned in at the lodge, her spirits were in a high flutter. The park was very large, and contained great variety of ground. They entered it in one of its lowest points, and drove for some time through a beautiful wood stretching over a wide extent.

It was to Columbus an opportunity of stretching his visionary wings and creating with pompous words and images a great halo round himself of dignity and wonder and divine distinction, an opportunity such as he loved, and such as he never failed to make use of. The Sovereigns were delighted and profoundly impressed.

'When I lose Dudley's company, I am informed that I can easily enter Scotland by stretching across a wild country in the upper part of Cumberland; and that route I shall follow, to give the Colonel time to pitch his camp ere I reconnoitre his position. Adieu! Delaserre. I shall hardly find another opportunity of writing till I reach Scotland.

Next morning I crossed the tall round hill, lingered to look at the blue and yellow mountains stretching toward the Carolinas, then plunged into the wood, and came out at Josie's home. It was a dull frame cottage with four rooms, perched just below the brow of the hill, amid peach-trees. The father was a quiet, simple soul, calmly ignorant, with no touch of vulgarity.

I heard her voice calling for help. I ran through the rocks, and came up, just as a huge bear was springing upon her. I was a good shot, and my bullet brought down the monster stretching him lifeless at her feet. Gabriella thanked me with sweet words with smiles that were far sweeter, and told me still more. From that hour I knew that she was mine. Shortly after she consented to marry me."

When 60 feet had run out, the candle stopped, and on stretching over I saw that it had reached a slope of ice which inclined very steeply northwards, and passed away under the rock, apparently into a fresh cavern.

From a high bank which I ascended, I had a full view of the lake stretching away to the north-east, as far as the eye could reach, apparently about thirty miles broad, and still seeming to be bounded on its western shores by a low ridge, or table land, beyond which nothing could be seen. No hills were visible any where, nor was there the least vegetation of any kind.

Little Hunne sat in the corner with his newly-acquired nut-cracker before him, gravely studying its grotesque face. Presently 'big Jule' came in, whip in hand, all booted and spurred from his morning ride. "Who will pull off my riding boots?" he asked, throwing himself into a chair, stretching out his legs, and gazing admiringly at his new spurs.

'We are now traversing distances beside which the immense line stretching from the earth to the sun is but an invisible point, said the youth. 'When, just now, we had reached a planet whose remoteness is a hundred times the remoteness of the sun from the earth, we were only a two thousandth part of the journey to the spot at which we have optically arrived now.

Close to the castle was a grey mansion unintellectual but kindly, stretching with its grounds across the peninsula's neck the sort of mansion that was built all over England in the beginning of the last century, while architecture was still an expression of the national character.