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We struggled through an interminable succession of squalid streets, from the one lamp visible to its neighbour in the darkness: you might have fancied yourself peering at the head of an old saint on a smoky canvas; it was like the painting of light rather than light. Temple spoke solemnly: 'Our dinner-hour at home is half-past six. A street-boy overheard him and chaffed him.

And, by the way," he added rather nervously, "perhaps you will be silent also about our talk, I mean, as we do not want that buffoon, Foy, thrusting his street-boy fun at us." Elsa bowed her head.

There is, in fact, something of a street-boy in some of our late more literary mimicries. We are apt to judge a poet too exclusively by his imagery. Tennyson is hardly a great master of imagery. He has more imagination than imagery. He sees the thing, with so luminous a mind's eye, that it is sufficient to him; he needs not to see it more beautifully by a similitude.

A barricade should be tottering; when well built it is worth nothing; the paving-stones should want equilibrium, 'so that they may roll down on the troopers, said a street-boy to me, 'and break their paws. Sprains form a part of barricade warfare. "Jeanty Sarre is the chief of a complete group of barricades.

The long exile of Israel was over the bitter centuries of the badge and the byword, slaughter and spoliation; no longer, O God! to cringe in false humility, the scoff of the street-boy, the mockery of mankind, penned in Ghettos, branded with the wheel or the cap but restored to divine favor as every Prophet had predicted, and uplifted to the sovereignty of the peoples. "Messhiach! Messhiach!"

Greifenstein's pointers generally regarded it with silent scorn, but occasionally, when it was being petted with more than usual fondness, they would sit up before it, thrust out their long tongues and shake their intelligent heads, with a grin that reached to their ears, and which was not unlike the derisively laughing grimace of a street-boy.

No one will expect a dog to master and express the varied ideas that are incessantly arising in connection with human affairs. He is a pauper as against a millionaire. To ask him to do so would be like giving a street-boy sixpence and telling him to go and buy himself a founder's share in the New River Company.

A small street-boy at his run along the pavement nowhither, distanced him altogether in the race for the great Secret; precipitating the thought, that the conscious are too heavily handicapped. The unburdened unconscious win the goal. Ay, but they leave no legacy.

"Ah! there he is" said the doctor, as, at that instant, the door-bell rang; "there is insolence in the very tone of his ring. He has pulled the visitor's bell, too, and there goes the knocker! Of all the imps that walk, a London street-boy is " The sentence was cut short by the opening of the door and the entrance of my little protege.

The curious thing, too, was that the horse didn't bolt right away, as they generally do: he jest walked a-head, knowing his master was bound to follow wherever he led, for in coorse he had hopes to catch him every moment. That ere brute, he never laid down nor rested, jest kep slowly moving on, as if he was a Lunnon street-boy, with a bobby at his heels.