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For there before me was a very stout-looking and large steam-launch thirty-two feet over all, as I found when I came to measure her stowed snugly in a cradle set athwart-ship and looking all ready to be put overboard into the sea. And at finding in this unexpected fashion what I had been so long looking for, and had quite done with hoping for, it is no wonder that I shouted with joy.

Even at that the openings had been bricked up and looked as though they would resist a long assault. At the rear of the cellar were steps, leading up to a stout-looking bulkhead. It was padlocked, on the under side, with stout hasp and staples. "Nothing doing here, either," muttered Jack. "Yet hold on blazes!" Almost feverishly he felt in an inner pocket.

They slowly and carefully felt their way along the intricate navigation of the river, till they suddenly found themselves within range of the guns of a battery posted on a promontory before them, which was crowded with Russian soldiers stout-looking fellows, habited in long grey coats and spiked helmets of steel, which glittered brightly in the sun; and the bluejackets now for the first time saw the enemy.

Under an adjoining tree lay a knight asleep, in full armor, save that his helmet was placed under his head for a pillow. "A stout-looking fellow that," said Tristram. "What shall we do?" "Awake him," said Palamides. Tristram did so, stirring him with the butt of his spear.

My troop were, indeed, very unlike the splendid array of my old Hussars of the Guard. They were hurriedly raised, and not over well equipped, but still they were stout-looking, hardy peasants, who, whatever deficiency of drill they might display, I knew well would exhibit no lack of courage before an enemy.

However, as I found out a little later, while my guess was a close one it still was wrong. The four bunks, two on each side, were not enclosed, and the only door opening from the cabin was in the bulkhead forward and worth trying because it might lead to a store-room, I thought. It was a very stout-looking door, and across it, resting in strong iron catches, were two heavy wooden bars.

The furniture was leathern and velvet and stout-looking, the kind of furniture which seems to aim at being more or less exact moulds of the forms of middle-aged men. The armchairs were like commodious hip-baths in plush. Aunt Emmy and I were lost in them. I remember once walking as a child through the wilderness of armchairs at Maple's and thinking they all looked like Uncle Tom.

The room was crowded by officers of every rank and arm in the service. The old, gray-headed general of division; the tall, stout-looking captain of infantry; the thin and boyish figure of the newly-gazetted cornet, were all there; every accent, every look that marked each trait of national distinction in the empire, had its representative.

"Ah, but then she's unaccountable set on young Socknersh. He lets her do what she likes with her sheep, and he's a stout figure of a man, too. Joanna Godden always was partial to stout-looking men." "But she'd never be such a fool as to git sweet on her looker." "Well, that's wot they're saying at the Woolpack." "The Woolpack!

With this, to confess the truth, I was by no means delighted, more especially as I perceived two stout-looking men sitting at the door of one of the cottages. To retire unobserved was, however, impossible, because the rustling which I had made among the trees attracted their attention, and they saw me; probably, before I had seen them.