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As he was a part and quite a large part of one of these venerable households, and, moreover, knew not the fear of man or woman his failings could be referred to as "eccentricities." "Mr. Larkin," Mrs. Stornaway frequently observed, with long-suffering patience, "is talented but eccentric. You are never quite sure what he will do next." Mrs.

Stornaway bewailed her with diffuse and loud pathos and for a year swathed her opulence of form in deepest folds and draperies of crape, the quiet fairness and slightness which for some five and twenty years had been known as Agnes Stornaway, had been a personality not likely to be a marked and long-lingering memory. The child was placed with a motherly friend in Paris.

When he had entered the ministry, there had been some wonder expressed among the men who had known him best, but when he preached his first sermon at Willowfield, where there was a very desirable church indeed, with whose minister Mrs. Stornaway had become dissatisfied, and who in consequence was to be civilly removed, the golden apple fell at once into his hand.

He had received a note from Lady Stornaway to beg him to call; and regarding it as what was meant to be the last, last interview of friendship, and investing her with all the feelings of shame and wretchedness which Crawford's sister ought to have known, he had gone to her in such a state of mind, so softened, so devoted, as made it for a few moments impossible to Fanny's fears that it should be the last.

Stornaway to the threshold, that lady, on her return to the parlour, found him standing by the mantel looking at the fire with so profoundly wearied an air, that she uttered an exclamation. "Why," she said, "you look tired, I must say. But everything went off splendidly and I never saw you so brilliant." "Thank you," he answered.

This seems as if nothing were a security for matrimonial comfort. I have not so much to say for my friend Flora, who jilted a very nice young man in the Blues for the sake of that horrid Lord Stornaway, who has about as much sense, Fanny, as Mr. Rushworth, but much worse-looking, and with a blackguard character.

Stornaway was to give an evening party which was to combine congratulatory welcome with a touch of condolence for the past and assurance for the future. "We must let him see," said Mrs. Stornaway, "that Willowfield has its attractions." Its attractions did not present themselves as vividly to John Baird as might have been hoped, when he descended from the train at the depot.

From Stornaway on the Isle of Lewis alone some nine hundred drifters were pursuing the retreating armies of herring. The German hordes have taught us to think of life in large numbers, but were the herring to elect a Kaiser, he would dominate in reality an absolutely indestructible host. For hundreds of years fishermen of all countries have without cessation been pursuing these friends of mankind.

Stornaway is a little fishing-town with a beautiful harbour, from out of which was sailing, as we entered, a fleet of herring-boats, their brown sails gleaming like gold against the dark angry water as they fluttered out to sea, unmindful of the leaden clouds banked up along the west, and all the symptoms of an approaching gale.

He played "Auld Scottish airs," and many of the old men, mellowed with whiskey, wept in the bar-room of the little hotel at Stornaway. The courtesy of Major Dugas, and the civil bearing of the men, told upon the people, but nevertheless they did not abate one jot of what they called their loyalty to Donald. The latter's best friends now saw there could only be one ending.