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"What is it?" she asked. "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I've just come from the dock, and " "Why, you look like a mud-turtle," said Aunt Stanshy, bending over still farther and holding out the lamp, whose light fell on Will. "Mud-turtle? I don't wonder you say so, and there's another and worse-looking one out in the dock." "Two mud-turtles? What do you mean? Where have you been?"

"Her name is Jenny Milsom, and she lives with her father, a very respectable man." "Was that her father who went out with her just now?" "Yes, that's Tom Milsom." "He doesn't look very respectable. I don't think I ever set eyes on a worse-looking fellow."

Every now and then a duck would stop and cast her knowing glance at these creatures, as though comparing the condition of their forms and plumage with her own. 'If I had had the breeding of you, she seemed to say, 'I could have made a better fist of it than that. A worse-looking lot of ducks, take you all round.

"I don't even know his name yet," replied Fergus, "but if we are to judge by appearances, he is somewhat of Darby's kidney, for a worse-looking young vagabond I have seldom laid my eyes upon.

As for his face, he knew that its homeliness was redeemed by a certain strength of chin, by keen gray eyes, and by a shock of dark hair that showed a little white at the temples. There were worse-looking men, he knew, but that, at the present moment, gave little comfort.

He wanted a ruby heart pierced with a diamond arrow, but I got him off that and onto a blue Brazilian solitaire. We're mounting it in a platinum lady's ring." "What is the price?" "Forty-five hundred, and the value is there." "Have you seen the woman?" Coverly nodded. "The boy is a good picker. I don't blame her much, either, for I've seen a lot of worse-looking fellows than Buddy."

And now it was only a moment that I saw him his face was more haggard, and his clothes were shabby. He was with a much worse-looking man, who carried something, and they were hurrying along after an omnibus." "Well, child, he did not see you, I hope?" "No. I had just come from Mrs. Raymond's, and I was waiting to cross near the Marble Arch. Soon he was on the omnibus and gone out of sight.

Once a very sad thing happened about the milk, that no one knew about but Jenkins and his wife. She was a poor, unhappy creature, very frightened at her husband, and not daring to speak much to him. She was not a clean woman, and I never saw a worse-looking house than she kept. She used to do very queer things, that I know now no housekeeper should do.

Smith himself, a grizzled old man, with a tobacco-stained gray moustache and beard, and the possessor of a pair of narrow, wicked-looking eyes, was serving out whisky to a couple of worse-looking half-breeds. It was noticeable that every man present wore at his waist either a revolver or a long sheath knife. Even the proprietor was fully armed. The half-breeds wore knives.

I again critically examine my face, and arrive not only at the former conclusion, that one side is worse-looking than the other, but also that it looks ten years older. I have my flax hair built in many strange and differing fashions, and again unbuilt: piled high, to give me height; twisted low, in a vain endeavor to liken me to the Greeks; curled, plaited, frizzed, and again unfrizzed.