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"I liked stopping with aunt at Ellton," said the little fellow to himself, sadly, "and I should like to go again; but I should like to be fetched home next time, for old David is so cross every time I move, and " "Look here, young fellow," growled the man, half turning in his saddle; "if you don't sit still I'll get one of the pack ropes and tie you on, like a sack.

They did this, but they had to get aft first, and I feared for the poor half-perished creatures again and again as I saw them scrambling along the lee rail, stopping and holding on as the mountainous seas swept over the hull, and then creeping a bit further aft in the pause.

But he plucked up courage. "Your honour, might a man say a word to 'ee?" "Certainly! but be quick, my good fellow," replied the baronet, who was noted for his kindly manner to humble folk. "Sir, I be a poor man. I lives in one o' my lord's houses. I hanna paid no rent for a year. Mr. "Holloa! cut it short, you rascal; you're stopping the poll. Vote, I say."

In what follows, I shall take up the cases which I wish to notice without stopping to consider whether the contract was in a strict sense conditioned on performance of the promise on one side, or whether the true construction was merely that the promise on the other side was limited to that event. Now, how do we settle whether such a condition exists?

Wendover, said Robert, stopping and holding out his hand. 'I meant to have come to talk to you about this place this morning. I ought to have come before. He spoke gently, and quite simply, almost as if they had parted the day before. The Squire touched his hand for an instant. 'You may not, perhaps, be aware, Mr.

At an inlet, where the ships came to an anchor, on the 12th, and to which Captain Cook gave the appellation of Prince William's Sound, he had an opportunity not only of stopping the leak which the Resolution had sprung in the late storm, and of prosecuting his nautical and geographical discoveries, but of making considerable additions to his knowledge of the inhabitants of the American coast.

Mademoiselle Viefville paced the cabin, occasionally stopping to utter a few words of consolation to her young charge, and then again reverting in her mind to the true dangers of their situation, with a force that completely undid all she had said, by betraying the extent of her own apprehensions.

Quite forgetting their furious quarrel, the two went rollicking down the path together, stopping every few minutes to look back and laugh at the three strangers. "Is this usual?" asked Sir Hokus, looking quite dazed. "I never heard of bushes talking or running around, but I confess I'm a few centuries behind times!" "Neither did I!" exclaimed Dorothy.

Harewood said "Well, Matilda, your delicacy is now satisfied you have not affected any display of humanity, or ostentatious exhibition of wealth, in order to humble your young friends; but I perceive your heart is not satisfied; that heart is really interested in these babes, and, conscious that it is in your power to do more, you are mortified at stopping short of your own wishes and their wants."

You wasn't thinking of stopping off here, was you?" "Well I want to see a man named Elijah Quimby," Mr. Magee replied. "Do you know him?" "Of course," said the yearner for pastures new, "he's caretaker of the inn. His house is about a mile out, on the old Miller Road that leads up Baldpate. Come outside and I'll tell you how to get there."