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I think when we have seen the reasons which make civilised man now right-handed, we shall also see why it would be highly undesirable for him to return, after so many ages of practice, to the condition of his undeveloped stone-age ancestors. The very beginning of our modern right-handedness goes back, indeed, to the most primitive savagery.

Do you mean to tell me that stone-age Egyptians had longer noses than ordinary men?" "Of course not! It's just that the Martians very naturally cast their paintings in Martianized form. Don't human beings tend to relate everything to themselves? That's why dugongs and manatees started the mermaid myths sailors thought they saw human features on the beasts.

From this fact they are called, when referring to those early times, a stone-age people, and so, of course, the boys and girls of that period were stone-age children. But it is not to be supposed that because the children of savages they were altogether unlike the youngsters of to-day. In one respect, at least, they were quite the same they were very fond of play.

Since Rembrandt carried portraiture to the point of perfection, two hundred and fifty years ago, Holland has been a land of artists and it is so even unto this day. John Jacob Astor was born of a Dutch family that had migrated down to Heidelberg from Antwerp. Through some strange freak of atavism the father of the boy bred back, and was more or less of a stone-age cave-dweller.

So the travellers were still marooned at Dax’s, and the prospect of continuing their journey was as vague as ever. "Last I heard of you," said Mrs. Dax to Hamilton, with a sort of stone-age playfulness, "you was punching cows over to the Bitter Root." "That’s true, Mrs. Dax"—he gave her his most winning smile—"but I could not stay away from you long."

The other decorations were neckties and a pink man reading a pink paper devoted to ladies in pink tights. "When you have to go into the highways and byways " said the pink man, looking reproachfully at Baily and Perry. "Hello, Martin Macy," said Perry shortly, "where's this stone-age champagne?" "What's the rush? This isn't an operation, understand. This is a party."

Ostensibly, it figures the ritual with which a tribe of stone-age Russians consecrated the spring. Something of the sort was necessary, for an actual representation of machines, a ballet of machines, would not have been as grimly significant as the angular, uncouth gestures of men, would by no means have as nakedly revealed the human engine.

As the Hindus proudly claim, while the present dominant race was still in the savage, cave-dwelling, stone-age stage of existence and while even the ancient Jewish people were beginning to place the foundation stones of their religion, of which the present Christian religion is but an offshoot the great Hindu religious teachers and philosophers had long since firmly established their philosophies and religions with the doctrine of Reincarnation and its accompanying teachings, which had been accepted as Truth by the great Aryan race in India.

These stone-age communities seem to have lasted a considerable time and to have been spread not only over North China but over Mongolia and Manchuria. It must not be assumed that the stone age came to an end at the same time everywhere.

It was not only the grappling of two European peoples and two systems of government out upon the edges of the civilized world the stone-age men assisting on both sides a fray in which Legardeur de St. Pierre, Coulon de Jumonville, and de Villiers, his avenging brother, were France, and Washington was England.