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He had toiled until he held the baleful genie in a glass vessel partially filled with water, and the sprite could not be seen. Accidentally he made a connection between the two surfaces of the jar, and declared that he did not recover from the experience for two days, and that nothing could induce him to repeat it.

"The tongue of love from heart bespeaks my sprite, * Telling I love thee with love infinite: I have an eye bears witness to my pain, * And fluttering heart sore hurt by parting-plight. I cannot hide the love that harms my life; * Tears ever roll and growth of pine I sight: I knew not what love was ere loving thee; * But Allah's destiny to all is dight."

No bride ever wore a veil of such delicate and exquisite texture unless it was some water sprite, fit creature to be adorned with such gauzy and wind-woven drapery. Only the fairy looms of Nature can produce lace-like gossamer films of such intricate and varied designs. >From this point the colors of the American Falls are superb. How remarkably soft and fine they are!

These gentle spirits were ever after obedient to the will of Prospero. Of these Ariel was the chief. The lively little sprite Ariel had nothing mischievous in his nature, except that he took rather too much pleasure in tormenting an ugly monster called Caliban, for he owed him a grudge because he was the son of his old enemy Sycorax.

O my Lord, to crave succour here I stand * Command and I bow to thy high command! 'As for me, of him I feel naught affright, * For my lore and my wisdom are infinite: If he wish for warfare I'll show him fight * And out of his body I'll tear his sprite!

Kate Trevlyn was a veritable sprite for her love of the open air, by night as well as day, in winter cold as well as summer heat.

The rapid and stable growth of Robert I. Aitken, sculptor of the Fountain of Earth, is of particular interest to San Francisco, the city of his birth, and the site of several of his earlier efforts. Water Sprites Base of Column, Court of Ages The "Water Sprite Columns" in the Court of Ages bring the somber symbolism of this court back to the gay spirit of festival.

The sprite of Colney Durance had struck him smartly overnight. Victor's internal crow was over Colney now. And when you have the optimist and pessimist acutely opposed in a mixing group, they direct lively conversations at one another across the gulf of distance, even of time. For a principle is involved, besides the knowledge of the other's triumph or dismay.

Again the eager straining of eyes; again the shouts and cheering; again the thrill of excitement, as, after a few moments, four or five, in advance of, the rest, come speeding back, nearer, nearer, to the white columns. Who is first? Not Rychie, Katrinka, Annie, nor Hilda, nor the girl in yellow, but Gretel, Gretel, the fleetest sprite of a girl that ever skated.

But one day she complained to him of the sprite who carried the bow. "He is behaving badly," said she; "he teases me." "That surprises me," said the man, "and I am distressed to hear it; for at heart he is rather good, and to you he is deeply attached. But how does he tease you, dear lady? What does he do?" "Oh, nothing," she answered, "and that is what annoys me.