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Those on the east, in some cases, saw fit to extend themselves towards Louisbourg as far as the edge of the intervening marsh; but were soon forced back to a safer position by the cannon-balls of the fortress, which came bowling amongst them. This marsh was that green, flat sponge of mud and moss that stretched from this point to the glacis of Louisbourg.

At the corral gate Minnie Boyle stopped and turned as though she meant to retrace her steps to the house, but Tom waved her back. So Minnie went home weeping over the loss of a real dinner-bucket and a slate sponge which she was afraid the Swedes might steal from her if they came earlier to school than she.

When Emmy Lou first came to school, her cleaning paraphernalia consisted of a sponge secured by a string to her slate, which was the badge of the new and the unsophisticated comer. Emmy Lou had quickly learned that, and no one now rejoiced in a fuller assortment of soap, bottle, and rags than she, nor did a sponge longer dangle from the frame of her slate.

Holding to the chair by the table, he was able to reach a bunch of bananas. Two bananas and water got him through the second day. On the third day, hanging on to the bedroom door frame, he pulled himself slowly to his feet. He was able to limp to the bathroom, supporting himself with the sponge mop. He took aspirin and shuffled back to his mattress with bread and a piece of cheddar cheese.

The mud became almost unfathomable and it was not uncommon to see the six mules attached to an army wagon tugging and striving with all their power to drag the empty wagon out of a mud hole. Boys who had plied the trade of bootblack gave up their profession and with pail and sponge in hand called to the passer by, "Wash your boots, sir?"

'Does Jaw stand smoking? asked Jack, as Spigot disappeared. 'Oh, I should think so, replied Sponge; 'a friend like you, I'm sure, would be welcome' Sponge thinking to indulge in a cigar, and lay the blame on Jack.

"I wonder if this one is alive and will speak to me. I'll try. Hello there, Mr. Sponge!" he called. "You must be quite a swimmer. Are you as good as a goldfish one of those the bad cat tried to get?" But the sponge said never a word. Maybe it was too dry to speak, for it had not been in the water since early morning.

"No, no!" cried Madame Mollot; "you are putting incongruities into my mouth. The stranger was standing up; he held a sponge in his hand above an immense basin, and none of your jokes, Monsieur Olivier! it wasn't his knee, it was his head! He was washing his bald head; he hasn't a spear of hair upon it." "Impudent man!" said Antonin.

Butter a mold and line it with small sponge biscuits, and fill it with alternate layers of the cream and of biscuits. Put it for the night in the cellar before you serve it the following day. You can replace the essence of coffee by some chocolate that has been melted over hot water. Sweeten well half a pint of milk and flavor it with vanilla. Put it to boil.

Constance was scrutinizing some of the checks more carefully than others. Suddenly she held one up to the light. Apparently it was in payment of legal services. Quickly she took the little bottle of brownish fluid which she had brought with the sponge. She dipped the sponge in it lightly and brushed it over the check. Then she leaned forward breathlessly.