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I'd hardly ever wanted it so far, and the waiter was a small, slim chap, not much bigger than I am. Anyhow, we shall soon be at the hotel now, and we can walk fast." He looked so white and spirit-like in the mist, with his big bright eyes made brighter by the tired shadows underneath, that I would not discourage him with the truth.

The white cloak, loosely gathered in one hand in front, trailed behind her. He thought her very spirit-like and ethereal. At the foot of the steps his heart gave a great bound; he went hot and cold. It seemed to him he was sure he could have sworn that her hand rested in his a perceptible instant longer than there was any need for. A moment later he was scoffing at the miracle.

She appeared, in the ghostly light of the distant flames, so pale and spirit-like, that he almost feared she would slip away to heaven at once, and he began looking for some one stronger, older, and more suitable, to take her place. At a little distance further north he at last found a stout German woman sitting with her two children on a large feather bed, the sole relic of her household goods.

Her face looked spirit-like in the pale moonlight, and her eyes blazed like coals of fire. As she stood there with her arm around her bewildered, trembling sister, she seemed a guardian angel holding a baffled fiend at bay. This was literally true, for even hardened Van Dam quailed before her, and took refuge in the usual resource of his satanic ally lies.

He stopped and watched her, as with her arms full of lilies she came toward the pool. In the silver light of the moon her soft white garments and silky veil lent spirit-like appearance to her slender body, and her face was beautiful with a rare beauty not born of flesh. When she reached the pool she knelt and placed the lily stems in the water.

There was something spirit-like about her, wrapped in her long cloak, as she walked through the half-darkness to meet George Morris. "I was just going to send for you," he said. "I did not sleep any," was the answer, "and the moment the engine stopped I knew we were there. Shall we go on deck?" "Yes," he said, "but come away from the crowd," and with that he led her towards the stern of the boat.

The news they had told her was not true; he had been hung, and this was his ghost! He looked as white and spirit-like in the moonlight, dressed in the same clothes, as when she saw him last. He had evidently seen her approaching, and moved quickly to meet her. But in his haste he stumbled slightly; she reflected suddenly that ghosts did not stumble, and a feeling of relief came over her.

I never saw such a boy as this before; so slender, fragile, and spirit-like, not as if he were actually in ill health, but as if he had little or nothing to do with human flesh and blood. His face is very pretty and most intelligent, and exceedingly like his mother's. He is nine years old, and seems at once less childlike and less manly than would befit that age.

There at least were youth, health, and something else what was it in the girl that had so strongly and suddenly gained his attention? At any rate there was nothing about her uncanny and spirit-like. He did not understand her.

She was crying crying quietly, but the tears down-falling fast, as, with her back to the lowly bed, she was gathering up the dripping clothes cut off from the poor maimed body by the doctors' orders. She only shook her head as she saw Sylvia, spirit-like, steal in white, noiseless, and upborne from earth.