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It's not the first time my life has been saved by the knife of a redskin." "Humph! bad luck to them," muttered Mike Brady; "it's not the first time that my windpipe has been pretty near spiflicated by the knives o' the redskins, the murtherin' varmints!" As Mike gave vent to this malediction, the boat ran swiftly past a low, rocky point, over which the surf was breaking wildly.

When they were carved properly into pork, the men thought them none the less delicious because they had come to their death by water instead of by the ordinary butcher's knife; and, as I had the opportunity of testing this opinion in a savoury little pig's fry which Ching Wang presented me with the same evening for supper, I cannot but acknowledge that I agreed thoroughly with the judgment of the hands in the matter of "spiflicated pork," as Tom Jerrold called it.

"Moncrossen said 'twa'nt safe to bushwhack him like I wanted to said how I ain't got nerve nor brains to stand no investigation. "But if he'd git burnt up in the shack, that's safer yet. He got that booze somewhere some one knows he had it. He got spiflicated, built a roarin' fire in the old stove an' there y'are, plain as daylight. No brains!

Besides, you'll run a chance of growing absent-minded, and won't see danger approaching; so that you'll tumble over things and damage your shins, and tumble into things and damage your clothes, and tumble off things and damage your carcase, and get run over by wheels, and poked in the back by carriage-poles, and killed by trains, and spiflicated in various ways all of which evils are to be avoided by looking up and looking round, and taking note of what you see, as you go along the track of life d'ye see?"

It seemed enough that I loved him and that he loved me and that neither of us had broken anything bones, I mean. It was sad, though, to think the poor little bubble was a goner and that we'd never hear its honest little pant again. "If we had lived up to the comic papers, Morty," I said, "we would have spiflicated a red child, given a merry toot and disappeared in a cloud of dust!"

Bill is all to the psychopathic about her; and me? well, you saw me plating the roadbed of the Great Maroon Way with silver to-night. That was on account of Laura. I was spiflicated, Your Highness, and I wot not of what I wouldst. "How? Why, old Hildebrandt says to me and Bill this afternoon: 'Boys, one riddle have I for you gehabt haben.

It's not the first time my life has been saved by the knife of a red-skin." "Humph! bad luck to them," muttered Mike Brady; "it's not the first time that my windpipe has been pretty near spiflicated by the knives o' the redskins, the murtherin' varmints." As Mike gave vent to this malediction, the boat ran swiftly past a low rocky point, over which the surf was breaking wildly.

I really cannot understand it. There are such dreadfully strange mixtures of character in this world. No, he did not say he had slain them, but he used nautical expressions which amount to the same thing, I believe; he said he had spiflicated lots of 'em and sent no end of 'em to somebody's locker.

But with the universal use of cosmetics and the consequent secernment of soul and surface, upon which, at the risk of irritating a reader, I must again insist, all those old properties that went to bolster up the ordinary novel the trembling lips, the flashing eyes, the determined curve of the chin, the nervous trick of biting the moustache, aye, and the hectic spot of red on either cheek will be made spiflicate, as the puppets were spiflicated by Don Quixote.