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In front were the dining-rooms and kitchens, and the trainer's house a square clock tower, carrying an ornate gilt vane, rising from the cluster of red roofs. Twenty years had weathered the raw of brick walls, and painted the tiling with all manner of orange and rusty-coloured lichens; yet the whole place was admirably spick and span, free of litter.

If they had been bags of sawdust they could not have been more indifferent to our fire. "That was a bad business of Dohna's men. I thought, when we joined them, they looked too spick and span to be any good; but that they should run, almost as fast and far as the men of the Federal army at Rossbach, is shameful. Neither in the last war nor in this has a Prussian soldier so disgraced himself.

Sham Romanesque is grotesque everywhere, but it is more grotesque than all when we see newly-cut capitals stuck into the windows of a roofless castle, when the grey hue of age is wiped away from a building which has stood at least seven hundred years, and when the venerable fortress is made to look as spick and span as the last built range of shops at Paris.

The steamer was well fitted out, spick and span in fresh carpets and paint, and crowded to the utmost capacity for comfort. Every stateroom was full; each seat at the tables occupied. Not a foot of space above or below decks was left unused, but provision was made for all, and the ship was well manned.

He asked Perry Larson what it was like; but Perry only shrugged his shoulders and said, to nobody, apparently: "Sugar! Won't ye hear that, now?" which to David was certainly no answer at all. That one must be spick and span to go to church, David soon found out never before had he been so scrubbed and brushed and combed.

He hated Louis because Louis was spick and span, and quiet, and because Louis had been palmed off on him by Louis' unscrupulous respectable relatives as an honest man. "Now thou'st done for thyself!" he cried, in the dialect. "Thou'st done for thyself! And I'll have thee by the heels for embezzlement, and blackmail as well." He waved his arms.

He'd promised to eat his Christmas dinner along with them and Joey; but the pup was to come as a rare surprise next morning, and though Minnie Ford didn't much hold with a young dog about her spick and span home, she couldn't withstand the little silky creature, nor yet Teddy's wish to pleasure the child. "You do this, Minnie," he said, for he called the family by their Christian names by now.

And she was in her victoria and away, a very grand-looking lady, indeed, with two in spick and span summer livery on the box, with her exquisite white and gold sunshade, a huge sapphire in the end of the handle, a string of diamonds worth a small fortune round her neck, a gold bag, studded with diamonds, in her lap, and her superb figure clad in a close-fitting white cloth dress.

"Now, then," he said, leading the way up the foyer into the theatre. If ever there was dressiness it was here. It was the personification of the old term spick and span. "Did you ever see Jefferson?" he questioned, as he leaned toward Carrie in the box. "I never did," she returned. "He's delightful, delightful," he went on, giving the commonplace rendition of approval which such men know.

There was also the Louis XIV. restaurant, if one preferred a simple beefsteak to the more formal dinner, and smoking-rooms, reading-rooms, libraries, drawing-rooms, writing-rooms, not to mention the swimming bath and the children's nursery. We can imagine the great liner, spick and span in her spotless paint and gleaming brasswork, steaming through a placid summer sea.