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"Good heavens," said Jack, regarding him closely, "it's Jemmy Hardy grown up spick and span like the industrious little boys in the school-books. I heard you were back here." "I came back just before you did," said Hardy. "Brass band playing you in and all that sort of thing, I suppose," said the other. "Alas, how the wicked prosper and you were wicked.

The Emperor of Russia would be thankful to be able to pay fifty thousand a year to one of these amiable constitutional poodles, so gentle, so nicely curled, so caressing, so docile, always spick and span, careful watch-dogs besides, and faithful to a degree! But the private secretary is a product of the representative government hot-house; he is propagated and developed there, and there only.

The soldiers of the line were worn and ragged; the marching battalions of the National Guards, spick and span in their new uniforms. All seemed in good spirits, the soldiers, after the wont of their countrymen, were making jokes with each other, and with everyone else the National Guards were singing songs.

"I believe so," replied the young man, unmoved. He was fair game: for he was very big, clearly good-humoured, spick and span to a fault, and a member of another class. They gathered with glee to the baiting. "That ain't because of his name, stoopid. That's because he's got a silver linin' to his mug, ain't it, sir?" "Silver! gold, you mean.

It's my belief it puts Miss Di-an in mind o' someone, fer she jest sets in the porch, when he's a' tinkerin' round in the evenings or dig-gin' in the gardin he's never satisfied unless everything's jest kep spick an' span an' there's the sweetest smile on her face, an' the dreamy look in her eyes thet folks' eyes don't never hev 'cept when they're episodin' with their past.

Dowager lady Chia at this point observed some spotless rooms on the bank, so spick and so span. "Are not these Miss Hsueeh's quarters," she asked. "Eh?" "Yes, they are!" everybody answered. Old lady Chia promptly bade them go alongside, and wending their way up the marble steps, which seemed to lead to the clouds, they in a body entered the Heng Wu court.

"I'd like to know what's the matter with it!" There was, as a matter of fact, nothing the matter with it. It was as spick and span as paint and polish could make it. The curtain-stretching days were long past. There had even been talk of moving out of the house by the tracks, but at the last moment Mrs. Scaritt had rebelled. "I'll miss the sound of the trains. I'm used to 'em.

We may safely say that very few people who now use the expression "spick and span" have any idea of what it means literally. The metaphor is well hidden, but it is there. Another metaphor, connected with metals and coins, is contained in the word sterling. We speak of "sterling qualities" or a "sterling character" in praising people for being straightforward and truthful, and not boastful.

Imagine, then, my regret on arriving at the foot of that venerable monument, to find it "spick and span," as if just completed, looking new and tawdry by the side of the cathedral which has replaced the mosque it once adorned.

But what strikes one most is the air of perfect repair and cleanliness of everything. No grimy walls, no soiled curtains, here; all is clean as a new pin, all is spick and span. The courtyard is shaded by orange trees covered with bloom, and the heavy odour of neroli pervades the place.