United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This concourse of circumstances could not leave the slightest hope to the prince. A last proof was reserved for him. At length he cast his eyes on the miniature, which he had almost feared to look at. The blow was frightful.

"All I have, certainly, at present, Mrs Clyde," I said, abashed at the sarcasm thus directed against my miserable income, which she did not take the slightest pains to conceal. "But I shall have more by-and-by. We are both young; and, if you will only give me some hope of gaining your consent, when I have achieved what you may consider sufficient for the purpose, I will work for her and win her.

Visits to those countries twice or thrice a year, would not interfere in the slightest degree with their regular duty; it ought, indeed, to form part of it; and would be of incalculable value to British merchants.

She told us that the abbe was dressing when the bailiff presented the order of the Council of Ten, with injunctions to allow its free execution under penalty of death; that the abbe finished his toilet, went out to say his mass, and that everything had been done without the slightest opposition.

"Watch here, Walter," he directed, "Let me know at the slightest alarm." Craig had already taken the brace and bit from the bag and started to bore through the wall into room 511, selecting a spot behind a picture of a Spanish dancer a spot directly back of her snapping black eyes. He finished quickly and inserted the detectascope so that the lens fitted as an eye in the picture.

"Not real voices," she repeated, without the slightest expression in her tone. "Of course not! And tell me what connection you find between these fancies of yours and that room? Why do you come and listen here?" "I do not know," she answered patiently. "You must have some reason," he persisted. "I have no reason," she assured him, "only some day I shall see behind these doors.

Yet how otherwise explain the fact of his excellent client being incomprehensible to him? For a middle-aged gentleman, and one who has been in the habit of advising and managing, will rarely have a notion of accusing his understanding; and Mr. Thompson had not the slightest notion of accusing his.

They were learning nothing that would be of use to them in the future, but had all they could do to make a living. The bad times had hit them too, and little Karl in particular; people were stingy with their tips. In these days they were never more than a day ahead of destitution, and the slightest misfortune would have brought them face to face with it.

"My whole life wrecked," continued Lightbody, without hearing him, "nothing left not the slightest, meanest thing left!" "Dear boy, you must go away." "Only last night she was sitting here, and I there, reading a book." He stopped and put forth his hand. "This book!" "Jack, you must go away for a while." "What?" "Go away!" "Oh, yes, yes. I suppose so. I don't care."

"Is the boat waiting, corporal?" "No, sir. It went back directly." Hilary could not help it; he put on his hat with just the slightest cock in the world, went on deck, and gave his orders in the shortest and sharpest way.