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Behind it Maya's face, outlined in black curls, seemed to peer at him and her pouting lips parted as she smiled. He stared and shook his head. The dream-vision vanished from the screen. Someone had entered the room. It was Nea. Dressed in slacks once more, she slouched over to his chair and drew a hassock up beside it. As she looked at him, Jack Odin saw that her eyes were tired tired tired.

Had we got to do squad drill for "duration"? Had Kitchener forgotten the Xth Division? Now and then a batch of men were put into khaki which arrived at the quartermaster's stores in driblets. Some had greeny puttees and sandy slacks, a "civvy" coat and a khaki cap. Others were rigged out in "Kitchener's workhouse blue," with little forage caps on one side.

By the same token a worker here at home may not like the driving, wartime conditions under which he has to work and live. And yet if he gets complacent or indifferent and slacks on his job, he too may sacrifice the lives of American soldiers and contribute to the loss of an important battle.

Die daily, for, as Dante says, 'The arrow seen beforehand slacks its flight. Writing to another old man, Rutherford points out to him the gracious purpose of God in appointing him his death in old age.

The Swiss torsion clock on Steve Ames's fireplace mantle read 6:49. Rick and Scotty, in slacks, shirts, and moccasins, sat in armchairs and tried to stay awake. The small rocket, cleaned and dried, rested on a newspaper on Steve's table. "Rockoon," Rick said. "That explains the funny antenna, the presence of the electronics expert, and why the stingarees are launched."

M'Quirter, we need hardly say, was a Scotsman a big, broad-shouldered Sawney formidable in 'slacks, as he called his trousers, and terrific in kilts; while Grimes was a native of Swillingford, an ex-schoolmaster and parish clerk, and now an auctioneer, a hatter, a dyer and bleacher, a paper-hanger, to which the wits said when he set up his paper, he added the trade of 'stainer.

She was wearing a long sleeved turquoise jersey with a revealing scoop neck. The jersey hugged her breasts and then curved slightly out and back into dark slacks. "Athletic momma," George said. "That's a title," Oliver said. "You just got sculpted or something." "Painted," George said. "What do you know about painting?" Mark Barnes had drifted next to them. "Hey, Mark," Oliver said.

If I were younger now, I must have my sleep; but at sixty-eight you, so to speak, slacks down your fire, and werry little keeps it goin'." As Grannie thought these last vigorous and contented thoughts, she pulled the lamp nearer, seized her needle and thread, and commenced her feather-stitching.

We went about in our shirts and drill "slacks," and the scorching boards of the deck blistered our naked feet. In a few days we became sun-tanned. Each one of us had a sunburnt V-shaped triangle on the chest where we left our shirts open. The voyage was uneventful. The food was poor. There was very little fresh water to drink. It was July. The heat was fatiguing, and the sun-glare blinding.

For in all the habits which we have expressly mentioned, as likewise in all the others, there is, so to speak, a mark with his eye fixed on which the man who has Reason tightens or slacks his rope; and there is a certain limit of those mean states which we say are in accordance with Right Reason, and lie between excess on the one hand and defect on the other.