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Grace and Miriam would return to Overton at the beginning of the next week, and the latter part of the same week would find the four young men entered upon their senior year in college. "Very fine, indeed," commented Hippy, "but in order to sing properly one ought to drink a great deal of lemonade.

All ready!" and he led off with a fine baritone voice. There was not a person there who did not sing his best and it was surprising how many good voices there were among them. When they had finished and seated themselves, Ruth passed around the copies of the new song. Much against her protest, she was wearing a dress to-day.

Martha wanted her teacher with her, she said; but when she was told her father might have things to say to his wife and child alone, she withdrew her hand and followed her mother. It was not long, however, until the nurse came out with a request for Martha's teacher. "He wants some singing, Miss, and the little girl told him you could sing beautiful," said the man.

"I know what it used to be. Believe me, it sounded natural, even if you were just lilting. Here." He came over to the piano and playfully edged her off the stool. "I'm pretty rusty," he said. "But I can fake what I can't play of this. It's simple enough. You stand up there and sing." She only stood looking at him. "Go on," he commanded. "I believe you can sing anything.

"Why, it's absurd; it's horrible." John was silent for a few moments, and then he sighed: "We will not sing it, dear." "But, John," she cried, "how could such a hymn ever have been printed?

A fine example of change of case is found in the beginning of both his poems: Sing, O Muse, the vengeance, etc., whence to Greece unnumbered ills arose. Tell me, Muse, of that man, of many a shift and many the woes he suffered. Of others who are now mortal.

And the troubadours of old would sing: "A fleeting glance; a touch; two wildly beating hearts and love was born." I think, with Anita and me, it must have been like that. I stood, gazing after her, unconscious of Dr. Frank, who was watching me with his quizzical smile. And presently, no more than a quarter beyond the zero hour, the Planetara got away.

There's been a song made about his misfortune, Fris, and every time he heard it he was like a new-born lamb in the cold. The children sing it, too." Ole looked round at them imploringly. "It was only a piece of boyish heedlessness, and now he's taken his punishment."

"During my long residence," says he, "in this country, this is the first time I heard of the character of Gunga Govind Sing being infamous. No information I have received, though I have heard many people speak ill of him, ever pointed to any particular act of infamy committed by Gunga Govind Sing. I have no intimate knowledge of Gunga Govind Sing.

"Suppose I confess to you," said I, astonished at her earnestness, "that I did not at all know what I was singing?" "That's just it! just what makes it so dreadful! Nobody was thinking about it nobody! Nobody there wanted to give up earth and go straight to heaven and sing.