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Whisk it over the fire till it froths, but do not allow it even to simmer. Use for Genoese cakes and puddings. In hot weather use a little less gelatine. As the fruit generally gives a bad color, you must use cochineal for the red jellies and a little green coloring for gooseberry jellies. The gelatine is of course melted in the fruit puree and all turned into a mold.

One quart of berries or any small fruit, two tablespoonfuls of flour, two tablespoonfuls of sugar; simmer together and turn into molds; cover with frosting as for cake, or with whipped eggs and sugar, browning lightly in the oven; serve with cream. Toast several thin slices of stale bread, removing the crust, butter them well, and pour over them hot stewed fruit in alternate layers.

Soak overnight after washing in three waters, simmer five hours in the soaking water, with a plate to hold the fruit under, mash and sweeten while hot, adding spices to taste cinnamon, nutmeg and grated lemon peel for apples, cloves and ginger a bare zest for peaches or apricots.

She knew of his position toward Cornelia: that is, she knew as much as he did: for the want of a woman's heart over which to simmer his troubles was urgent within him and Emilia's, though it lacked experience, was a woman's regarding love.

And they must have very little heat, not enough to simmer even; only just to make the bubbles rise, and the scum upon the top set thick; and after that, it clots as firm oh, as firm as my two hands be.

Take them out, thicken the liquor with butter and flour, boil it gently, strain it over the fish, and serve it with oyster, cockle, or shrimp sauce. STEWED SORREL. Wash it clean, and put it into a silver vessel, or stone jar, with no more water than hangs to the leaves. Simmer it as slowly as possible; and when done enough, beat it up with a piece of butter.

Simmer them till they begin to shrivel, then strain them from the juice, lay them on a hot hearth or in an oven, when either is cool enough to dry without baking them. The same syrup will do another six pounds of fruit. To dry cherries without sugar, stone, and set them over the fire in a preserving pan. Simmer them in their own liquor, and shake them in the pan.

Thicken the sauce with flour mixed with milk; add some chopped parsley; let boil up and serve hot. India Beef Curry. Cut 2 pounds of beefsteak into inch pieces. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour and fry until brown. Add 1 onion chopped fine and 1 tablespoonful of vinegar. Cover and let simmer with 1 tablespoonful of curry-powder and 1/2 cup of hot water until meat is tender.

Put them in a saucepan with one tablespoon of butter or drippings, three tablespoons of sugar and one teaspoon salt. Cover closely and let simmer on a slow fire until tender. Scrape, slice and cook one quart of carrots in one quart of boiling water to which has been added one teaspoon of salt, until tender; drain.

Watch the cooking so as to see that the potatoes do not stick, and finish the seasoning with pepper and salt. Cut your beef into small neat pieces. Mince some onions finely, and for five or six people you would add two bay-leaves, two cloves, pepper, salt; simmer gently for three hours in water, and at the end of that time bind the sauce with cornflour.