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It was likely that no one would attack them; if attacked, they would say that a hostage was fleeing from Cæsar. Vinicius would declare himself then to the guards, and summon their assistance. Ursus was almost entering the little house, when the sound of steps attracted his attention; he halted, and, seeing two persons, put his sieve on the balustrade and turned to them.

"Go on," he said. She smiled. "If you want to see me fail," she said, "talk to me. If you want to see me carry water in this sieve, let me alone." "I'm dumb*," said he. *"Dumb" at this time meant unable to speak. PG editor She eyed the sieve to make sure that it was level and steady. Commodus, also eyeing it, judged it both steady and level.

We wished to show those at home how easy it was to get there; how easy to get home again. Moreover, though going to sea in the Shannon was not quite the same 'as going to sea in a sieve, our stay-at-home friends were of the same mind as those of the dear little Jumblies, whom Mr. 'If we live, We too will go to sea in a sieve, To the Hills of the Chankly bore. So we left. But it was sore leaving.

The framework is filled up with a netting of deer-skin threads, which unites lightness with great strength, and permits any snow that may chance to fall upon the netting to pass through it like a sieve. On the present occasion, the snow, having recently fallen, was soft, and the walking, consequently, what is called heavy.

If young, they will be ready in half an hour; if otherwise, they will not be done in twice that time. The surest way to know when they are boiled enough is to draw out a leaf, and see whether they be tender; but they cannot be properly boiled without much water, which tends also to preserve their colour. Trim and drain them on a sieve, serve with melted butter, pepper and salt, and small cups.

By glass and water, or by the moonlight on the wall, or by the sieve, or by the meal? By the cymbals, or by the stars? By the table of the twenty-four elements, by which the Empire was promised to Theodosius the Great, or by the sacred counters of the Assyrians, or by the sapphire of the Hecatic sphere?

The heat waves writhed and throbbed through the atmosphere, a flame through a sieve, with a scorch of burning from the ground and clouds of dust like smoke. "I think I'll get off and walk," said Wayland, suiting the action to the word. "I hope those blackguards are counting on camping at a spring to-night." They plodded on for another half hour before Matthews answered.

In the day of darkness these came and laid what they had at the foot of the altar of sacrifice. This at least the war did: it served as a sieve to sift the people, and it served as the solvent of many a life-problem. Ian Stafford was among the first to whom it offered "the way out," who went to it for the solution of their own set problem.

Take a quart of gooseberries, pick, coddle, and bruise them very well in a marble mortar or wooden bowl, and rub them with the back of a spoon through a hair sieve, till you take out all the pulp from the seeds; take a pint of thick cream, mix it well among your pulp grate in some lemon-peel, and sweeten it to your taste; serve it up either in a china dish or an earthen one.

THERE is a small square near the monastery of the Holy Birth which is called Trubnoy, or simply Truboy; there is a market there on Sundays. Hundreds of sheepskins, wadded coats, fur caps, and chimneypot hats swarm there, like crabs in a sieve. There is the sound of the twitter of birds in all sorts of keys, recalling the spring.