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The ninth volume of Shandy is announced in the same number among the new English books.

It is a playful thrust at a score of places in Shandy in which the author converses with the reader about the progress of the book, and allows the mechanism of book-printing and the vagaries of publishers to obtrude themselves upon the relation between writer and reader.

Then poor Maurice pressed the little fingers which lay within his own, and swore that he would be at Shandy Hall on the day before his return to Mount Pleasant. So he was; and there he found the narrow-waisted lieutenant, not now bedecked with sash and epaulettes, but lolling at his ease on Mrs.

'I have friends I have relations, I have three desolate children, says Socrates. Then, cried my mother, opening the door, you have one more, Mr. Shandy, than I know of. By heaven! I have one less, said my father, getting up and walking out of the room. They are Socrates's children, said my uncle Toby. He has been dead a hundred years ago, replied my mother.

Wezel’s story begins, like Shandy, “ab ovo,” and, in resemblance to Sterne’s masterpiece, the connection between the condition of the child before its birth and its subsequent life and character is insisted upon. A

"The puppy, the insolent puppy," cried Eleanor of England, in a rage. And so the Outlaw of Torn and his mother met and parted after a period of twenty years. Two days later, Norman of Torn directed Red Shandy to lead the forces of Torn from their Essex camp back to Derby.

Is it not a shame to make two chapters of what passed in going down one pair of stairs? for we are got no farther yet than to the first landing, and there are fifteen more steps down to the bottom; and for aught I know, as my father and my uncle Toby are in a talking humour, there may be as many chapters as steps: let that be as it will, Sir, I can no more help it than my destiny: A sudden impulse comes across me drop the curtain, Shandy I drop it Strike a line here across the paper, Tristram I strike it and hey for a new chapter.

Sir Roger de Coverley, Tristram Shandy, Uncle Toby, Diedrich Knickerbocker, Ichabod Crane these and other creations of their genius stand forth upon their pages to exemplify that aspect of their minds. But the humourist of the pen may, personally, be no humourist at all. Addison's character was austere. Irving, though sometimes gently playful, was essentially grave and decorous.

He was sometimes called Tristram Shandy and sometimes Yorick, a very great favourite of the gentlemen. One day" namely, on the aforesaid 18th of March "my master had company to dinner who were speaking about him the Duke of Roxburghe, the Earl of March, the Earl of Ossory, the Duke of Grafton, Mr. Garrick, Mr. Hume, and a Mr. James."

Beside Norman of Torn rode the grim, gray, old man, silent and taciturn; nursing his deep hatred in the depths of his malign brain. At the head of their respective companies rode the five captains: Red Shandy; John Flory; Edwild the Serf; Emilio, Count de Gropello of Italy; and Sieur Ralph de la Campnee, of France.