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In the course of a few days Shabalov sent the announcement that the examination in Trirodov's school was appointed to be held on May 30, at ten o'clock in the morning, on the premises. This meddling on the part of the educational police annoyed Trirodov, but he had to submit to it. Kirsha was acquainted with many boys in town. Some of them were pupils of the gymnasia, some of the town school.

Shabalov was particularly displeased with the participation of certain instructors and instructresses in the local pedagogical circle. This circle was initiated in the town of Skorodozh some three years before by the gymnasia instructor Bodeyev and the town school instructor Voronok.

Shabalov cried out: "Open the gate! You devils, demons, sinners!" Madame Doulebova tried to soothe Shabalov, who justified himself: "Forgive me, Zinaida Grigorievna. It is most annoying. If I had come myself I shouldn't have minded waiting, though even then it would have been discourteous being, after all, an official.

Some one made the observation that Trirodov was friends with dangerous sects, at which Kerbakh remarked: "He now has horses and carriages, but I know a man who knew him when he had only his shirt. It is rather suspicious as to where he got his money." Glafira Pavlovna looked at Shabalov and whispered to Doulebov: "I know he is a patriot, but he has terrible manners."

Shabalov shouted savagely at him: "Stop!" The boy glanced at the carriages and calmly walked on. Shabalov cried more furiously this time: "Stop, you young brat! Off with your cap! Don't you see that gentlemen are coming why don't you bow to them?" The boy paused. He looked in astonishment at the variety of carriages and did not take his cap off. Doulebova decided: "He's simply an idiot!"

The local Inspector of the National Schools, Leonty Andreyevitch Shabalov, had served all his life in remote, wooded places, and was for that reason quite an uncivilized being. Tall, robust, shaggy, unharmonious, he resembled even in external appearance a bear of Vologda or Olonetz. His face was overgrown with a thick beard. His thick hair crept down his low forehead towards his eyebrows.

The boy pulled his cap off and reached it out to Shabalov with the remark: "Here!" Shabalov growled savagely: "Idiot!" Then he turned away. The boy looked at him in astonishment. Doulebov, and even more his wife, were terribly annoyed because they had not put on more clothes for their visitors, not even shoes. The Vice-Governor looked dully and savagely. Everything displeased him at once.

Therefore, dear sir, I beg you in the future not to permit yourself similar actions unbecoming to your schoolmaster's vocation, and I herewith warn you that at a repetition of such behaviour you will be immediately discharged from the service. "Inspector Shabalov."

If you don't like your Fatherland what are you good for?" The boy flushed. Tiny tears gleamed in his eyes. Doulebov asked: "Now tell me what is the very best faith in this world." The boy fell into thought. Shabalov asked malignantly: "Can't you answer even that?" The boy said: "When one believes sincerely, then it is the very best faith for him."

You have so few schools of your own, and yet they are so poor that you have quite a time to attend to them." Shabalov, somewhat subdued, replied: "Still, the examination will have to be held. Surely you understand that? And the Headmaster of the National Schools is anxious to be present at the examination. We have our instructions from the Ministry, and it is impossible to discuss the matter.