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Shabalov was particularly displeased with the participation of certain instructors and instructresses in the local pedagogical circle. This circle was initiated in the town of Skorodozh some three years before by the gymnasia instructor Bodeyev and the town school instructor Voronok.

Others began to come in: there was the school-instructor Bodeyev, instructor Voronok of the town school, and the imported orator, who came accompanied by Alkina. Elisaveta was attired by now in a simple dark blue dress. "It's time to start," said Stchemilov. Once seated in the rowing-boat, the members of the party became silent and slightly nervous.

"Bodeyev, from the school, for one." "I do not like his manner of speaking,", said Trirodov. "He's a good party workman," observed Alkina with a timid smile. "He's to be valued for that." "You know, of course, that I am not much of a party man," said Trirodov. Alkina was silent. She trembled lightly as she rose from her seat, then suddenly ceased to be agitated.

It is forbidden," said the colonel dryly. Bodeyev shrugged his shoulders and remarked as he moved away: "I submit to brute strength." "To the law," the officer in the blue uniform corrected him sharply. The dead man's comrades, crowding near the grave, followed one another with handfuls of soil, which they threw on the coffin. The damp, heavy soil struck the coffin with a hollow sound.

The instructor Bodeyev then stood at the head of the coffin. He began in his shrilly-thin, but far-carrying voice: "Comrades, we have gathered to-day at the grave of our brother...." The colonel of the gendarmes went up to him, and said sternly: "It is forbidden. I must ask you to do without speeches or demonstrations." Bodeyev asked in astonishment: "But why?" "No, I must ask you not to.