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Umbelazi and most of the princes, and thousands upon thousands of the Zulus, whom I, the Dwande, hate, dead, dead! Mameena's work, Macumazahn! Panda's hand grown strengthless with sorrow and his eyes blind with tears. Mameena's work, Macumazahn! Cetewayo, king in all but name; Cetewayo, who shall bring the House of Senzangakona to the dust. Mameena's work, Macumazahn! Oh! a mighty work.

O Dust, I hear, I hear; a royal child, a child in whom ran the blood of the Father of the Zulus, he who was my friend? The blood of Senzangakona, the blood of the 'Black One, the blood of Panda." He stopped, while both from the chorus and from the thousands of the circle gathered around went up one roar of "Izwa!" emphasised by a mighty movement of outstretched arms and down-pointing thumbs.

Panda made a motion with his hand, and ten fine heifers were driven into the circle from some place where they had been kept in waiting. "Sorry beasts!" said Zikali contemptuously, "compared to those we used to breed before the time of Senzangakona" a remark which caused a loud "Wow!" of astonishment to be uttered by the multitude that heard it.

Macumazahn, I am his House, I, the only son of his chief wife, for Zikali the Wise Little One, the Ancient, who is of the Amangwane blood, and who hated Chaka and Dingaan yes, and Senzangakona their father before them, but whom none of them could kill because he is so great and has such mighty spirits for his servants, saved and sheltered me."

"Aye, Child of Senzangakona," answered Zikali, "I heard Saduko say this with his own lips, but the voice that spoke from the lips was not the voice of Saduko, as, were you a skilled Nyanga like me, you would have known as well as I do, and as well as does the white man, Watcher-by-Night, who is a reader of hearts.

He turned and, looked about him till his eye fell upon a group of women, amongst whom sat Nandie, dressed like a common person. "Of a daughter, a daughter " He walked to the group of women. "Why, none of these are royal; they are the children of low people. And yet and yet I seem to smell the blood of Senzangakona."

"True, O Zikali," I said. "That is so far as I am concerned." But Saduko answered nothing. Moreover, O Macumazana, be happy, for I seek no fee who, having made such fortune as I need long ago, before your father was born across the Black Water, Macumazahn, no longer work for a reward unless it be from the hand of one of the House of Senzangakona and therefore, as you may guess, work but seldom."

Now Panda reigns, the last of the sons of Senzangakona, my enemy, Panda the Fool, and I hold my hand from Panda because he tried to save the life of a child of mine whom Chaka slew. But Panda has sons who are as Chaka was, and against them I work as I worked against those who went before them." "Why?" I asked. "Why? Oh! if I were to tell you all my story you would understand why, Macumazahn.

"Macumazahn, I am told that you are discreet, that you do not shout from the top of a hut what you hear within it. Now, hearken to me. Our country is disturbed; we do not all of us love the seed of Senzangakona, of whom the present king, Panda, is one. For instance, you may know that we Quabies for my tribe, the Amansomi, are of that race suffered at the spear of Chaka.

"What would you have of me, Son of Senzangakona?" he asked. "Many years have passed since last we met. Do you bear me hither that I may follow them into the darkness, O Child of Senzangakona? If so I am ready; only then I have words to say that it may not please you to hear." His deep, rumbling voice echoed into silence, while the great audience waited for the King's answer.