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"Señores, that is already decided," Teodoro said quietly. Drew looked up. Where had they come from, those four? Out of the rocks themselves? He only knew that now they were there, rifles over their forearms, ready to swing sights on the three below. His heart gave a lurchApaches? And then on the far right he recognized Greyfeather, Rennie’s chief scout.

"But it seems that General Mary is smiling, and the bay man shakes my hand, and speaks in the American dialect. "'General Dingo has informed me, Señor Casparis, of your gallant service in our cause. I desire to thank you with my person. The bravery of you and the other señores Americanos turned the struggle for liberty in our favour. Our party triumphed.

Seville, and the whole country round it for ten leagues, is swept clear of swash-bucklers; not a thief ventures within his limits; they all fear him like fire. It is whispered, however, that he will soon give up his place as corregidor, for he is tired of being at loggerheads at every hand's turn with the señores of the court of appeal."

"But, senores, we shall hope to see you daily until our investors arrive and then all the time." "You will find us always at your command, Don Luis," Tom remarked, cordially. "Ah, my good Carlos," murmured Don Luis, as the Mexican pair sped homeward in the car, "for once you made a bad guess. You insisted that the Gringos would hold out and would not serve me.

Peal followed peal; the vast cloud was breached and burst by a hundred fiery bolts; and like an avalanche the heavy tropical rain was precipitated to the earth. It fell in torrents, but the strength of the tempest had been spent on the first onslaught. The dark cloud passed on to the south, and a piercing cold wind swept after it. "Vamos a bajar, senores!"

"Then we will meet you at the Coates House in Kansas City on the first day of August." Senor Oje arose and lit a fresh black cigar. "It will be well for you and Major Honeywell to talk over these things while I see my Chicago banker," said he. And with a good- natured "Adios, Senores," he left the apartment. "Now, about this liquid hydrogen?" began Major Honeywell at once.

In five minutes the change was complete. The cage-looking structure had disappeared, and a house with walls of yellow petate stood in its place. "Now, Senores, all is secured," said Don Cosme. "Let us return to the drawing-room." "I should like to see the first burst of this tornado," I remarked, not wishing to intrude upon the scene of sorrow we had left. "So be it, Captain.

His impulse had been to be very civil on parting to a woman who did not wobble in the saddle, and happened to be the wife of a personality very important to a man always short of money. Then, turning to the small knot of silent Europeans looking on within earshot, he raised his voice protectingly "Senores, have no apprehension. Go on quietly making your Ferro Carril your railways, your telegraphs.

"Decidedly, these young Americans are champion liars!" he thought to himself. "They can readily outlie Don Luis or myself. Now, if Don Luis still insists on having these gifted young engineers killed I am afraid I shall look upon him as being a man without honor." "You have heard your own engineers, senores," broke in Don Luis. "You trust them.

The covering is then withdrawn, and the decision is announced. On one occasion they decreed that a certain man whom they considered in fault was to pay a fine. The unwary litigant, thinking that his case had not been properly heard, began to try to address the judges in mitigation of the sentence. "But, Señores " he began.