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The most unfortunate feature of this sorry business is that the poor subject is self-deceived, and imagines that he is a full-fledged medium; and when he has made some terrible break on the platform or elsewhere he shields himself by laying all the responsibility upon some supposed spirit guide." "Psychic Sponges."

Gradually, he became more and more inclined to solitude, and made frequent excursions into the hills, and in his solitary wanderings, he suffered agonies of doubt and self distrust, fearing lest he be self-deceived, and again, lest he be indeed called to become a prophet of God and fail in his mission. Here in a cave, the revelation came.

As to the evidence itself, adduction of proof is scarce possible in respect of inward experience, and to this class belongs the better part of the evidence: the testimony may be truthful, yet the testifier utterly self-deceived! How am I to know the thing as he says he knows it? How am I to judge of it? There is king David: Poetry! old poetry! and in the most indefinite language in the world!

Her doubts merely set her to wondering whether he might not also be self-deceived as to his disease. "Why do you think you've got consumption?" asked she. "I was examined at the free dispensary up in Second Avenue the other day. I've suspected what was the matter for several months. They told me I was right." "But the doctors are always making mistakes. I'd not give up if I were you."

Christ tells us of various facts with regard to himself: of his divine Sonhood and mission if these things are not true, then was he either weakly self-deceived or a wilful deceiver. He sets up a claim to the working of miracles, and assumes the part of the Messiah of the prophets.

She also knew that if ever a man loved a woman, Ensal was in love with Tiara. And she knew more. She knew that Tiara was self-deceived; that Tiara herself would be the most astonished person imaginable when she awoke to find out how much she really cared for Ensal. Mrs. Crawford knew Ensal's reasons for hesitating to form family ties, but did not regard them as substantial.

Had he not said to himself one day, as his boat glided past the sloping gardens of Posilipo, "Vere must be happy." Yet that evening he had made her unhappy. He had come to the island from his self-examination strong in the determination to be really himself, no longer half self-deceived and so deceiving. He had gone out upon the terrace, and waited there.

Every known piece of rebellion against Christ will shatter all true enjoyment of His favour, unless we are hopeless hypocrites or self-deceived. The condition of knowing and feeling the warmth and blessedness of Christ's love to me is the honest submission of my nature to His commandments. You cannot rejoice in Jesus Christ unless you do His will.

But you know what a dear, devoted mother she is, and you will remember her too; will you not? Let Minnie trust him, Clennam said, let Minnie trust him to do all she wished. Will you do this for me, as you are a noble-hearted friend? Poor Pet! Self-deceived, mistaken child!

Really, one couldn't but admire the savoir faire of this large unctious being, so fluent, so plausible, until one happened to catch of a sudden that hard and ruthless gleam which, in spite of all his caution, would leap at times into his cold eyes. "Is he, or isn't he, a hypocrite pure and simple, or are such men self-deceived?" mused my mother, puckering her brows.