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His disappointment, his self-criticism, his practical resolutions were forgotten. He had but one idea now the vision was providential! The clue to the mystery was before him he MUST follow it! Yet he had sense enough to realize that the coach would not stop to take up a passenger between stations, and that the next station was the one three miles below Skinner's.

It is simply to be white-hot in purpose and stone-cold in self-criticism at the same instant of time. Bar Meredith, who is quite sui generis, and Rudyard Kipling, whose characteristics will be dealt with later on, Hall Caine has less of the mark of his predecessors upon him than any of his contemporaries. His work has grown out of himself.

Ralph Hodgson his shyness his slender output his fastidious self-criticism his quiet facing of the known facts in nature and in humanity his love of books his humour his respect for wild and tame animals the high percentage of artistic excellence in his work. Lascelles Abercrombie. Wilfrid Wilson Gibson a horrible mouthful was born in Hexham, Northumberland, in 1878.

In order to be just to Michelangelo, we must remember that he was always singularly modest in regard to his own performances, and severe in self-criticism. Neither in his letters nor in his poems does a single word of self-complacency escape his pen. He sincerely felt himself to be an unprofitable servant: that was part of his constitutional depression.

A little more of the pachyderm would help me in this respect. Some day I will give you more self-analysis and self-criticism. I am what you might call an extemporaneous writer I write without any previous study or preparation, save in so far as my actual life from day to day has prepared me for it. I do not work up my subject, or outline it, or sketch it in the rough.

Now John's ideal John is not a bit like Thomas's ideal John, and neither of them is like the real John, and so it comes about that John and Thomas that is, you and I get at cross purposes. It would give that faculty of self-criticism which most of us lack. That faculty is simply the art of seeing ourselves objectively, as a stranger sees us who has no interest in us and no prejudice in our favour.

Let the cause of obscurity be what it may, we need not doubt that with Meredith style is the man, a perfectly honest way of expressing his personality. It is not impossible that his unconventional education and the early influence of German upon him, may come into the consideration. But in the main his peculiarity is congenital. Meredith lacked self-criticism as a writer.

The Assistant Commissioner made a reflection extremely unbecoming his official position without being really creditable to his humanity. “If the fellow is laid hold of again,” he thought, “she will never forgive me.” The frankness of such a secretly outspoken thought could not go without some derisive self-criticism.

I did not disturb them until Monson and I had got my education so well under way that even I, always severe in self-criticism and now merciless, was compelled to admit to myself a distinct change for the better. You know how it is with a boy at the "growing age" how he bursts out of clothes and ideas of life almost as fast as they are supplied him, so swiftly is he transforming into a man.

This was written on April 1st, 1821. "It is not so grand as Tinney's." This shows us, that Constable had not vanity enough to interfere with his self-criticism.