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Why did she think and suppose? What made her anticipate the princess's arrival? This inveterate why communicated its terrors to Aennchen, upon whom the princess turned scrutinizing eyes, saying, 'You write of me to your sister? 'Yes, princess. 'And she to you? Lieschen answered: 'Forgive me, your Highness, dearest lady! 'You offered yourself here unasked? 'Yes, princess.

I am I, Lieutenant Sergei Antonitch Kovroff, of the Chernovarski Dragoons! Do you hear? I am captain of the Golden Band," he said proudly and haughtily, scrutinizing the company with his confident gaze.

During her absence the stranger had not moved. As she entered he stepped forward and took the light from her, holding it high and scrutinizing her face narrowly. "Ah!" he exclaimed at last, with a sigh; "good as gold! Would that other lands could breed such grace! It is ill to be banished from one's own countrywomen." Barbara blushed and turned away.

As he passed he caught her attention, and stepping toward him a little impatiently, she said, "I suppose you belong to the premises?" He made an awkward attempt at a bow, and said stiffly, "I'm one of the Atwood chattels." The answer was not such as she expected, and she gave him a scrutinizing glance.

It was a keener, more scrutinizing glance, which he bent on the youth, as he said, with an ambiguous smile, "So, young man, is it the wont of Scotland to suffer your Princes to be endangered for the lack of aid in such emergencies as this of today?"

"Pardon me," he said finally in his precise drawl, "but I confess to being startled. You you bear such an extraordinary resemblance to some one I know, that I thought it must really be she, for a moment." Agatha smiled faintly. "You looked as if you had seen a ghost." Aleck gazed at her again, a long, scrutinizing look. "It does make one feel queer, you know."

It wounded, as she meant it should; and the evil spirit to whose guidance she had yielded herself exulted to see his self-love bleed, and pride vainly struggle to conceal the stab. He caught the expression in her averted glance, bent suddenly a fixed and scrutinizing gaze upon her, asking, below his breath, "Then why are you here to tempt me with the face that tempted me a year ago?"

Jared Long, we say, was convinced that the natives were scrutinizing the canoe and seeking to learn something about the occupants, whom they had doubtless watched as they made their way from the water to the shelter of the wood. Such was his belief, and yet he was altogether mistaken.

Nothing but good old Tory melodrama goes down here. Are you equal to that?" "Oh yes. I'm terrific in Tory melodrama. I shall bring down the house." She turned a curious scrutinizing look on him. "Yes," said she, "you'll bring down the house like Samson among the Philistines." He returned her look with interest. "I should immensely like to know," said he, "what you go in for.

Thank goodness, I know the language." "And will she not be a sensation?" joined in Ethel. "A decided sensation," said I, scrutinizing the beautiful face so near me. What if they met, as probably they would Phyllis and Gretchen? "Phyllis," said I, suddenly, "where were you born?" "Where was I born?" with a wondering little laugh; "in America. Where did you suppose?"