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"But there is some mistake here. You have applied to the wrong man," I replied. "No mistake, yer honor," answered a sturdy, good-looking, bronzed fellow, with a military air and a military salute; "we've heard of yer honors, and we know that ye can do us good without wringing the last shilling from us, like those blood-sucking sawbones."

That any whipper-snapper of a sawbones should tell me to go to my room. After what I have been, after the position I have held in society. I have had ambassadors' carriages at my door, my dear fellow, princes of the royal blood, and to be told to go to my room like a naughty little boy! It's too much!"

'They're as common as blackberries: you can pick 'em up for three-pound-ten a head. 'I wouldn't do it under fifty if I were a sawbones, ejaculated John. 'And then Michael, continued Morris, 'is in the very thick of it. All his clients have come to grief; his whole business is rotten eggs.

"Psha!" said the Doctor, "I've heard that song before; here's a new one for you, boys!" and Sawbones began, in a rich Corkagian voice "You've all heard of Larry O'Toole, Of the beautiful town of Drumgoole; He had but one eye, To ogle ye by Oh, murther, but that was a jew'l! A fool He made of de girls, dis O'Toole.

'That's wot he says, miss, replied Sam coolly. 'He's a man of his word, and it's my opinion he'll do it, miss. He's heerd all about you from the sawbones in barnacles. 'From my brother! said Arabella, having some faint recognition of Sam's description. 'I don't rightly know which is your brother, miss, replied Sam. 'Is it the dirtiest vun o' the two? 'Yes, yes, Mr.

You know she had to git some one to go with her son, and why not you, sir, as well as any of the other young sawbones in London? If she hadn't got you she'd have got another, and that would have been a coincidence to him, d'ee see?

"Old Sawbones made a mistake with his morning cocktail, and mixed a lot of wormwood with it," said one of the "convalescents," in an undertone to those about him. "This awful hot weather's spilin' most everything," said another, "and the old man's temper never was any too sweet." Dr. Moxon came up to Rachel, and regarded her for an instant very unpleasantly.

He was a pleasant, easy-going gentleman, I thought; and when I spoke about him subsequently to father, he said he was probably like most of the `sawbones' he had met with in his time in the Navy "chaps as wouldn't let their sense of duty ever fret their minds too much!"

"Want me to drop you, old sawbones?" the coroner asked. Savagely the doctor shook his head. "My buggy's in the stable." The coroner's squeak was thinner, more irritating than ever. "Then don't let the spooks get you, driving through the woods. Old folks say there are a-plenty there." Bobby arose. He couldn't face the prospect of the man's squeaking again.

The discussion as to who should be admiral promised to supply a month's fun, but Cassall pretended to remember that Phoenix Sawbones would certainly wish to be commander, on account of the young puppy's experience.