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I always looked late every evenin' ter be sure it hedn't been teched, thinkin' I'd make up my mind in the night whether I'd tell on Birt, or no. But I never could git plumb sati'fied what to do." His tone carried conviction. The tanner looked at Birt with disappointment in every line of his face. There was severity, too, in his expression.

I'm frightened about Uncle Ben. If he catches us he'll change his mind, perhaps, and I cannot ride Greased Lightning again. Don't speak so queer, Di. Do rouse yourself. We must get out of this as fast as we can." "As fast as we can," echoed Diana. "All wight, Orion; I's k'ite sati'fied." "Well, come, then," said Orion; "get up." "I don't think I care to."

Slaves like us, what was owned by quality-folks, was sati'fied an' didn' sing none of dem freedom songs. I recollec' one song dat us could sing. It went lak dis: 'Drinkin' o' de wine, drinkin' o' de wine, Ought-a been in heaven three-thousan' yeahs A-drinkin' o' dat wine, a-drinkin' o' dat wine. Us could shout dat one. "I was a grown-up man wid a wife an' two chillun when de War broke out.

"I oughter been sati'fied with all I got, stiddier hectorin' other folks till they 'ain't got no heart ter hold on ter what they been at sech trouble ter git," he said, as he turned out the horse and strode gloomily toward the house with the saddle over his arm.

An' I went on, a-whistlin' ter make him 'low ez I never s'picioned nuthin'. An' I kem inter the house an' tole dad ez he'd better be a-lookin' arter Eveliny, fur I b'lieved she war a-settin' her head ter run away an' marry Abs'lom Kittredge." "Waal, I ain't right up an' down sati'fied we oughter done what we done," exclaimed Stephen, fretfully.

I marks the spot by a bowlder biggest bowlder I ever see on the slope o' the mounting." The instant this revelation passed his lips, regret seized him. "But ye ain't ter go thar 'thout me, ye onderstand, till we begins our work." "I ain't wantin' ter go," Nate protested. "I ain't sati'fied in my mind whether I'll ondertake ter holp or no.

"But thar' ain't no use hankerin' arter them yer's lef 'hin' yer: reckon yer won't never see um no mo'. Heap better git sati'fied yere. It's a long way back thar', ain't it?" "A mighty long way," said Alston; and then he was silent, his thoughts going back and back over the long way. Lizay recalled him: "Was yer sorry yer had ter whip me?"