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Finding himself without provisions, the powder wet, and no possibility of obtaining either stores or reinforcements from the ships, the boats being lost, Troubridge with great presence of mind, sent Captain Samuel Hood with a flag of truce to the governor to say he was prepared to burn the town, and would instantly set fire to it if the Spaniards approached one inch nearer.

It was not long after, doubtless, that Smart fell lower still, and let himself out on a lease for ninety-nine years, to toil for a set pittance in the garrets of Gardner's shop; and it was about this time, 1754, that the Rev. T. Tyers was introduced to Smart by a friend who had more sympathy with his frailties than Gray had, namely, Dr. Samuel Johnson.

Hawthorne had visited the scene before, in summer times, and he revisited it afterward in vacations, but his long stay here was in his fifteenth year, the greater part of which he passed in its neighborhood. By Samuel T. Pickard. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1897.

Who says that the aristocracy are proud? Here was a lady by birth a Tyrrell, and descended from the great Sir Walter that shot King Rufus, and in whose veins ran the blood of him who murdered the little princes in the Tower, going every day to see what dainty dishes she could prepare for Samuel Brown, a mountebank!

Of course I can't have a tree, an' I don't suppose I really want it; but I'd like somethin' all pretty an' sparkly an' an' silly, you know. An' there's another thing I want ice cream. An' I want to make myself sick eatin' it, too, if I want to; an' I want little pink-an'-white sugar pep'mints hung in bags. Samuel, can't you see how pretty a bag o' pink pep'mints 'd be on that green tree?

Arthur Iredell, of London, brother of James Iredell, of Edenton, who married the sister of Samuel Johnston, on hearing of the event which seemed to have caused considerable stir in London, as well as throughout the thirteen Colonies, wrote to his brother from his home in London the following letter anent the affair: "I see by the papers the Edenton ladies have signalized themselves by their protest against tea-drinking.

"Please tell me," she insisted. "I left it," he replied in a low voice, "because I found that he got drunk." "Oh!" said the girl, "when was this?" "It was last Wednesday night, Miss Gladys." "Tell me all about it, Samuel." "I I don't like to," he stammered. "It's not a story to tell to a lady." "I already know something about it from my maid," said she. "Jack Holliday was there, wasn't he?"

In Second Samuel it is written: 'And David went up by the ascent of Mount Olivet, and wept as he went up, and had his head covered, and he went barefoot: and all the people that was with him covered every man his head, and they went up, weeping as they went up ." 2 Sam. xv. 30. "What was the matter?" asked Edith.

I should have felt like kissing the hem of her dress if I could only have seen her now and I wasn't able to smile when I thought what a rage she'd be in if I did it. She would have me sent off to an insane asylum: but even that would be much gayer and more homelike than an underground cellar in the Ghost City of Les Baux. Dear old Sir Samuel, with his nice red face! I almost loved him.

The small Ann seemed rather at Samuel Wales' mercy, and he had not the courage to disappoint his friend or her mother; so the necessary papers were made out, Sam Vaughan's and wife's signatures affixed, and Margaret Burjust's mark, and he set out on his homeward journey with the child.

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