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Now, you messengers of Salah-ed-din, begone, lest I send you on a longer journey, and tell your master that if he dares to lift his standards against my walls my fedais shall speak with him. By day and by night, not for one moment shall he be safe. Poison shall lurk in his cup and a dagger in his bed. Let him kill a hundred of them, and another hundred shall appear.

This is the decree of Yusuf Salah-ed-din, Commander of the Faithful, Conqueror and Caliph of the East." Trembling, full of joy and wonder, they knelt before him and kissed his hand. Then, after a few swift words between them, Rosamund spoke.

But Saladin sat still as a statue, gazing at the domes and towers of Jerusalem outlined against the deep blue sky. "Rise," he said at length, "and know, niece, that you have played your part in a fashion worthy of my race, and that I, Salah-ed-din, am proud of you. Know also that I will weigh your prayer as I have weighed that of none other who breathes upon the earth.

"Lady," he said to Rosamund, "your story is known to me. Salah-ed-din seeks you, nor is it wonderful" here his eyes glittered with a new and horrible light "that he should desire to see such loveliness at his court, although the Frank Lozelle swore through yonder dead spy that you are precious in his eyes because of some vision that has come to him.

"Before Salah-ed-din I will answer for them when and where you will, as you shall answer to him for your treachery." "Of what, then, am I accused?" asked Lozelle. "Of loving the lady Rosamund, as do all men perhaps yourself, old and withered as you are, among them?" "Ay, and for that crime I will repay you, old and withered as I am, Sir Renegade.

Moreover, you have one with you," and he pointed to Rosamund, "who is dear to Salah-ed-din, whom, therefore, my master desires as a hostage." "How knew you that?" said Hassan, to gain time while his men formed up. "How does the lord Sinan know all things?" was the answer; "Come, yield, and perhaps he will show you mercy."

But now I come to tell you that the princess Rose of the World Allah bless her footsteps! is recovered from her fatigues, and desires that you should breakfast with her in an hour's time. Also the doctor waits to tend your bruises, and slaves to lead you to the bath and clothe you. Nay, leave your hauberk; here the faith of Salah-ed-din and of his servants is your best armour."

Sir Andrew, the time grows short, and I must fulfil my mission. Will you take the peace of Salah-ed-din, or force his servants to take your life?" The old knight listened, resting on his reddened sword; then he lifted his head, and spoke: "I am aged and near my death, wine-seller Georgios, or prince El-Hassan, whichever you may be.

For Baalbec, where birth and beauty were ever welcome, did honour to its lady, the favoured niece of the mighty Salah-ed-din. Yet there were some who murmured that she would bring no good fortune to the Sultan or this his city, who was not all of the blood of Ayoub, but half a Frank, and a Cross worshipper, though even these praised her beauty and her royal bearing.

Few strangers who enter that castle come thence living. There is still time; I can pass you back as I passed you hither. Will you go on?" "We will go on," they answered with one breath. "Why? What have you to gain? You seek a certain maiden. Why seek her here whom you say has been taken to Salah-ed-din? Because the Al-je-bal in bygone days swore to befriend one of your blood.