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"Usher," interposed the cardinal, aloud, "announce Master Jacques Coppenole, clerk of the aldermen of the illustrious city of Ghent." This was a mistake. Guillaume Rym alone might have conjured away the difficulty, but Coppenole had heard the cardinal. "No, cross of God?" he exclaimed, in his voice of thunder, "Jacques Coppenole, hosier. Do you hear, usher? Nothing more, nothing less.

Netherlandish sources for the Hundred Years' War are summarised in PIRENNE'S Bibliographie de l'Histoire de Belgique . Of special importance is JAN VAN KLERK'S Van den Derden Edewaert Rym Kronyk. , useful for 1337-1341, and written with an English bias. The unofficial legal literature of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries is of exceptional variety and value.

"That may be, sire; in that case, 'tis because the people's hour hath not yet come." Guillaume Rym considered it incumbent on him to intervene, "Master Coppenole, you are speaking to a puissant king." "I know it," replied the hosier, gravely. "Let him speak, Monsieur Rym, my friend," said the king; "I love this frankness of speech.

Shave me." Tristan l'Hermite bowed and departed. Then the king, dismissing Rym and Coppenole with a gesture, "God guard you, messieurs, my good friends the Flemings. Go, take a little repose. The night advances, and we are nearer the morning than the evening." Both retired and gained their apartments under the guidance of the captain of the Bastille. Coppenole said to Guillaume Rym, "Hum!

The king appeared to reflect deeply: then, addressing Tristan l'Hermite, "Well! gossip, exterminate the people and hang the sorceress." "That's it," said Rym in a low tone to Coppenole, "punish the people for willing a thing, and then do what they wish." "Enough, sire," replied Tristan. "If the sorceress is still in Notre-Dame, must she be seized in spite of the sanctuary?"

"He! sire!" suddenly exclaimed Jacques Coictier, "what has become of the acute attack of illness for which your majesty had me summoned?" "Oh!" said the king, "I really suffer greatly, my gossip. There is a hissing in my ear and fiery rakes rack my chest." Coictier took the king's hand, and begun to feel of his pulse with a knowing air. "Look, Coppenole," said Rym, in a low voice.

In so doing you will perform a gallant deed to our Lady, and I swear to you that I am greatly terrified at the idea of being hanged!" So saying, the unhappy Gringoire kissed the king's slippers, and Guillaume Rym said to Coppenole in a low tone: "He doth well to drag himself on the earth. Kings are like the Jupiter of Crete, they have ears only in their feet."

There was one exception, however. It was a subtle, intelligent, crafty-looking face, a sort of combined monkey and diplomat phiz, before whom the cardinal made three steps and a profound bow, and whose name, nevertheless, was only, "Guillaume Rym, counsellor and pensioner of the City of Ghent." Few persons were then aware who Guillaume Rym was.

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The Nubians, thus surprised on all sides, were defeated and forced to retreat, leaving the fortress of Rym, now known as Ibrim, and situated fifty miles from Syênê, in the hands of the Egyptians.