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"Kain't buy 'em cheap enough, no more, huh? Gotta ketch 'em yourself, huh?" "Hard-boiled old crab, aren't you, Doug?" Gower rumbled in his deep voice. But he laughed. And he rowed away to the beach before his house. MacRae watched. Betty came down to meet him. Together they hauled the heavy rowboat out on skids, above the tide mark.

The shores look much more striking from a rowboat, creeping along near the margin, than from a steamer in the middle of the loch; and the ridge, beneath which Rob's cave lies, is precipitous with gray rocks, and clothed, too, with thick foliage.

The Winnebagos and Sandwiches had been in swimming and were lying lazily about in the warm sand. Slim sat in the shade of Hinpoha's rock and fanned himself. Even a dip in the cool water made him warm and breathless. Gladys and Migwan were out in a rowboat, washing middies in the lake. "It is peaceful," drawled Katherine, tracing designs in the sand with her forefinger.

The fire was put out and the light in the cabin extinguished, then Harriet and Jane stepped noiselessly into the rowboat after fastening the tow line to the scow. "All aboard," called Harriet softly. The "Red Rover" moved to the sound of muffled splashes; then a few moments later silence settled over the secret channel.

Some steamed north to the troubled waters of Salmon River and Blackfish Sound, some to the Redondas where spring salmon could be taken. Many put by their trolling gear and hung their gill nets. A few gas boats and a few rowboat men held to the Island, depending upon stray schools and the spring salmon that haunted certain reefs and points and beds of kelp.

The boys were curious to know what sort of folks could be in that vicinity, and after it was talked over, Snap and Whopper entered the rowboat and moved over the lake in the direction of the strange light. "I see three persons moving around," announced Snap, as they drew closer. "Let us remain on the lake until we make sure what sort of people they are."

To their surprise the sky was overcast, and the wind was whipping the surface of the bay into numerous whitecaps. "We must lose no time in getting back!" cried Jack. "As it is, the wind will be dead against us!" As quickly as possible he assisted Marion over the side, and then both set off on a run for the little cove where the rowboat had been left tied up.

They wouldn't catch him napping on board that Spanish vessel not much! But they come perilously near it all the same. It was a rough trip in that tossing rowboat. It seemed to sink and then fairly bound up on the next wave, its bow went down and its stern shot up. It did everything except turn over, while the spray fairly flew over it.

He got into a rowboat brought by an attendant, and tied the plane to an anchor buoy. In a moment he was in the car with Scotty. "We'll get some excitement now," Rick predicted. "Because Marks is arriving?" "Yes, and because the barber has come to town. If he isn't up to his neck in this business, I'll eat his hair oil on pancakes." Scotty shuddered.

It was Fred who spoke, only a few minutes after Songbird and the sailor in charge of the rowboat had left the side of the steam yacht. He addressed Hans. "Vot you vos see?" asked the German youth. "Look!" Hans looked and beheld Walt Wingate on the deck, in earnest conversation with the mate.