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"You would have been drenched to the skin," said Uncle Dick as he led the way to the house, while, left to their fate, the wicked Roseberries perished miserably. East and West By the middle of September the cottages on the Point were nearly all deserted, though the Reids lingered on, to the children's satisfaction.

"I don't exactly know about smuggling," she confessed, "however, the Roseberries are going to be smugglers." "Uncle Dick was telling us about smugglers the other night." "Yes, I know, that is what made me think of it. He showed me the island where there used to be a smuggler's cave." "I remember it; we saw it when we were out sailing one day."

I imagined how perfectly thrilling it would be to take it to Idlewild and play I was the Lady Cordelia Fitzgerald. It would be so much easier to imagine I was the Lady Cordelia if I had a real amethyst brooch on. Diana and I make necklaces of roseberries but what are roseberries compared to amethysts? So I took the brooch. I thought I could put it back before you came home.

Polly was seated on the floor industriously picking off her roseberries from the twigs. "Wait and you will see," was her answer. "Do get me some pins, Molly, a whole lot. Aunt Ada will give you some." Molly's curiosity being aroused, she rushed off to her aunt, returning with a paper of pins. She squatted down on the floor by Polly's side.

The next day brought more floating articles and newly excited expectancy. A cane, a log, a carved stick the Pinta found. Think of the way that carved stick passed from, hand to hand! "Carved with an iron tool," said one. "Nay, I doubt it." See, they are waving a branch from the Nina's deck! Ho, the Pinta! "A stalk loaded with roseberries!"

Yes, P-t-r, when you call on a young lady and her mother offers you a slice of bread and jam it is quite polite for you to accept it. Necklaces of roseberries are very much worn now. It is considered smart to wear your school hat tilted over your left eye. Bangs are coming in. Em Frewen has them. She went to Summerside for a visit and came back with them.

It was Polly, however, who discovered the Roseberry family, for Polly, who had spent her life far from cities, had developed her imagination, and could fashion from unpromising material the most fascinating things, and though she, too, picked her share of cranberries, she also gathered a lot of roseberries which she declared were the biggest she had ever seen.

"And I'd like Mr. and Mrs. Hips to have one," echoed Mary. "Are they very wicked, black-hearted people?" asked Polly, darkly. "Why why " Mary hesitated and looked to Molly for her cue. "Do they have to be wicked to have an adventure?" asked Molly. "If they join the Roseberries, they'll have to be, for the Roseberries are wreckers and smugglers."

A quarter of a mile above was another pool, hidden like a jewel in its case of green, broidered with scarlet roseberries and white clematis; and towards this she bent her steps, as time was a-plenty that morning.

"We must build a birch bark ship for the Hips family," said Polly, changing the subject. "Your Applebys can live on my island and if they don't want to associate with the Roseberries they can have a cave to themselves." "Roseberry is such a nice pleasant name for wicked people," remarked Mary. "Why don't you call them something else?" "Nobody ever does call them that," returned Polly readily.