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"'Jemmy, man, was it you that said it? why, my light's beginning to shine upon you, or you never could have got out so much, says Father Rooney, putting his hands over his brows, and looking up toardst him; 'but if you ever read scripthur, which I suppose you're not overburdened with, you would know that it says, "Blessed are the poor in spirit," but not blessed are the poor in flesh now, mine is spiritual poverty.

One of those who was himself under the influence of rum at the time looked sternly at Kajo, and began to abuse him as a hypocrite and deceiver. "Now, look here," cried Red Rooney, stepping forward; "listen to me." Having regard to his commanding look and tone, the natives considered him the leader of the party, and listened with respect.

We love to sit under a blossoming sloe-bush and see the silver pools glistening here and there in the turf cuttings, and watch the transparent vapour rising from the red-brown of the purple-shadowed bog fields. Dinnis Rooney, half awake, leisurely, silent, is moving among the stacks with his creel.

"What d'ee intind to turn your hand to if you give up divin', Joe?" "If!" said Mrs Baldwin, with a peculiar intonation. "Well, when you give it up," said Rooney, with a bland smile. "I'm not rightly sure," replied Joe. "In the first place, I'll watch for the leadings of Providence, for without that, I cannot expect success.

"I have often wondered," said Angut, as the seaman sat down beside him, "at the contentment and good-humour and cheerfulness, sometimes running into fun, of that poor old woman Kannoa." "Speak lower," said Rooney in a soft voice; "she will hear you." "If she does, she will hear no evil. But she is nearly deaf, and takes no notice."

"She hears," whispered Rooney. "Impossible," replied Angut; "a dead seal is not much deafer." Continuing the conversation, the seaman explained how he thought it possible to stultify the wizard, by discrediting him in the eyes of his own people by foiling him with his own weapons, and himself undertook to accomplish the task of stultification.

It was on the morning when Chief Bresnan and Foreman Rooney went down with half a dozen of their men in the collapse of the roof in a burning factory. The men of the rank and file hewed their way through to the open with their axes. The chief and the foreman were caught under the big water-tank, the wooden supports of which had been burned away, and were killed.

* A small pathway or bridle road leading to a farm-house. "When the stranger came as far as the skirt of the green, he turned the horse over quite nathural to the wedding; and, sure enough, when he jogged up, it was Friar Rooney himself, with a sack of oats, for he had been questin.* Well, sure the ould people couldn't do less nor all go over to put the failtah on him.

The mother of Ippegoo, fearing he had divined her thoughts, was overwhelmed, and tried to hide her blushing face behind Issek. "They don't believe me," said the seaman in a low voice to Okiok. "Of course they don't. You might as well tell us that the world is round, when we see that it is flat!" Rooney sighed. He felt depressed.

So saying, the captain resumed his walk and Edgar went below to look after his engine, having, in passing, given Rooney Machowl instructions to overhaul the diving gear and get it into good working order. This Rooney did with much consequential display, for he dearly loved to bring about that condition of things which is styled "astonishing the natives."