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On the way across the campus, between banks of purple-shadowed snow and under leafless elms which creaked and groaned dismally in the wind, Kenneth reached the firm conclusion that there were two persons at Hilltop whom he was going to dislike cordially. One was the model Joseph Brewster, and the other was Mr. Whipple.

Far across on the opposite shore, blurred by the mist that the alchemy of the setting sun transmuted from miasmic vapour to a veil of gold, rose the purple-shadowed, stone-tumbled ruins of Hang Gow, ruins that had been a proud, walled city in the days before the Tai-ping Rebellion.

When she turned to gaze at her mother, as daintily clad as ever, and as delicately perfumed showing no evidence of dusty travel she saw how pitifully pale was that dear beautiful face. But the eyes were no longer proud! only anxious, tender and purple-shadowed.

A girl with russet, purple-shadowed hair mounted to her table-top and began to dance thereon. "Sacré nom de Dieu! Come down off there!" cried the head-waiter. "Stop that music!"

On the descending incline there was chaos. The disembarking women were clinging to the gang rail; some of them had evidently surged forward and fallen. Down on the ground in the purple-shadowed starlight, I could vaguely see the chained line of men. They too, were in confusion, trying to shove themselves toward the fallen women. Miko roared: "Light those tubes! Gregg Haljan!

Then, as his eyes met Olive's, he cried, "Not you, mademoiselle?" His surprise was as manifest as his pleasure. "My friends have sworn that I could never paint a wholesome picture. Now I will show them. When can you come?" "Monday morning." "Do not fail me," he implored. "Such harpies have been here to show themselves to me; fat, brown, loose-lipped things with purple-shadowed eyes.

The wind had failed and the lake stretched flawless from shore to shore, a sheet of untarnished silver. Over against them the palace slept, or seemed to sleep, in its miraculous beauty, glacier-like with its shining surfaces and deep, purple-shadowed crevasses.

We love to sit under a blossoming sloe-bush and see the silver pools glistening here and there in the turf cuttings, and watch the transparent vapour rising from the red-brown of the purple-shadowed bog fields. Dinnis Rooney, half awake, leisurely, silent, is moving among the stacks with his creel.

The pit darkened as though night were filtering down into it; the vast, purple-shadowed walls of the city sparkled out with countless lights. From the crowning arches and turrets leaped broad filaments of flame, flashing, electric. Was it my straining eyes, the play of the light and shadow or were those high-flung excrescences shifting, changing shape?

Many large patches here and there were blackened with veldt fires, but these in the distance formed delicate shadings that enhanced the charm of a strip of yellow sand or young green grass or purple-shadowed wilderness.