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That's an old record and Dan Dacy says he's going to smash it to smithereens to-day. Hope he does. Say, fellows, what do you say to going down and looking over the garages before breakfast?" "Fine, let's get some clothes on and we'll start right away," said Romper.

Ford now and talk it over with him. Who wants to go along?" "I'll go," said Bud Weir. "So'll I," added Romper. "All right, come along," replied Bruce. And five minutes later three motorcycles were scooting out toward the hydro-electric plant where Mr. Ford, the Quarry Troop's Assistant Scoutmaster, was superintendent.

Looked important." "Is that so? Thank you, Mr. McCabe," said Brace. "Who do you know at Old Harbor Beach, Bruce?" asked Romper. "That's what I was wondering. I can't figure it out. The letter must be meant for all of us, or else it wouldn't have been mailed to headquarters. Come on, fellows, we'll see what it is." Ten minutes later the three lads arrived at headquarters.

"All safe," said Romper, who had been appointed custodian of the precious bunting. "Fine!" said the leader of the Owl patrol. Bugler Benson sounded the call, "Forward, scouts," and the brown-clad column started toward the tall pole near the center of the field, where Mr. Ford, in Scoutmaster's uniform, stood waiting.

He is quite the finest man I ever hope to come in contact with; big, stout and jovial, and as good-hearted as can be. If your parents will let you, I would advise every one to accept the offer." "Cracky, we are in luck, fellows. I move we telegraph our acceptance right away," said Romper. "I move we turn the matter over to Mr. Ford and let him telegraph. He's our Scoutmaster, and I'm sure Mr.

He invariably distinguished between himself and a respectable Romper man so quickly and frankly that his manner actually appeared to be a continual broadcast compliment. And one must not forget to declare the fundamental fact of his entire position in Romper.

"It's this way ah er I mean Aw, shucks, I can't express it the way I want to, but he surely didn't shirk the duty for which he was prepared. "I don't care if he is skittish about machinery," said Romper Ryan emphatically, "I'm going to see that Dick Austin becomes a scout before he leaves Woodbridge; he's the kind of a chap we need."

Did your fire make all that smoke, Romper?" said Bruce. "My fire why blame it all it's out. It's plum down to ashes and, gee! I didn't heat any dish water. Hi, Buster, what did you let that fire go out for? I told you to put some wood on and heat water." "I I aw, I was so hungry I forgot about it. Never mind I'll build it again.

We can call a meeting this afternoon and send our telegram to-night," said Romper. "Right-o; good suggestion," said Jimmy. "And I really think we should submit the whole thing to Mr. Ford and get his opinion before we take definite action. If some one is joshing us, he'll be able to see through it all right." But subsequent events proved conclusively that the letter was not a joke.

In truth, that very morning Bruce had gone on a motorcycle trip to St. Cloud City, twelve miles south of Woodbridge, to buy the necessary decorations. "By Jove, she looks like a real fire fighter, doesn't she?" said Romper Ryan, backing off, paint brush still in hand, to survey his own handiwork on the sides of "Old Nanc."