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To the eye that has reluctantly discovered this truth that the vulgarised are not uncivilised, and that there is no growth for them it does not look like a future at all. More ballad- concerts, more quaint English, more robustious barytone songs, more piecemeal pictures, more anxious decoration, more colonial poetry, more young nations with withered traditions.

He might be likened to the doctor's patient entering the chemist's shop, with a prescription for a drug of healing virtue, upon which the palate is as little consulted as a robustious lollypop boy in the household of ceremonial parents, who have rung for the troop of their orderly domestics to sit in a row and hearken the intonation of good words.

The repose of it for her. 'Ah, here you are! The robustious voice of Captain Le Mesurier sounded from the hall. 'Look here, to Fielding, 'we are going to take you back with us. Drake won't come. He's tired so we don't miss him. Fielding protested vainly that he would crowd the waggonette. Besides, he had business matters to discuss with Drake before he left for London.

The number of robustious footmen and retainers of all kinds bustling about, with looks of infinite gravity and importance, to do almost nothing.

The fisherman had treated the driver and the farmer at the Hibernian, and was being rewarded with robustious chaff. "I'm telling Dan Johnny here these childers that's coming when a man's away from home isn't much to trust. Best put a sight up with the lil one to the wise woman of Glen Aldyn, eh? A man doesn't like to bring up a cuckoo in the nest what d'ye say, Capt'n?"

How surely he achieves his effects in the grand manner! Robustious? Yes. But it is better to exaggerate a style than to have no style at all. That is what is the matter with these others these quiet, shifty, shamefaced others they have no style at all. And as is the difference between the old actor and them, so, precisely was the difference between Sir William Harcourt and the modern members.

The mother was a robustious woman with a termagant temper; she was what you call "practical." She arose each morning, like Solomon's ideal wife, while it was yet dark, and proceeded to set her house in order. She made the children go to bed when they were not sleepy and get up when they were.

Chadwick falls into line with "The Viking's Last Voyage" , for barytone solo, male chorus, and orchestra, which gives him a very high place among writers in this form. He has also a robustious "Song of the Viking," and an excellent Dedication Ode , for solo, chorus, and orchestra, to the pregnant words of Rev.

And therefore you may believe that which Nicholas de Lyra saith upon that place of the Psalter where it is written, Et Og Regem Basan, that the said Og, being yet little, was so strong and robustious, that they were fain to bind him with chains of iron in his cradle.

"Ah! poor Tom Christian would have been a proud man this day prouder than if the honour had been his own ten thousand thousand times." "Have mercy, have mercy, and leave me alone," said Philip. "I didn't mean to offend you, Christian," said the Clerk. Philip put one hand affectionately on his shoulder. The eyes of the robustious fellow began to blink, and he returned to his colleagues.