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Rob, intent on all these matters, saw the native's thumb and fingers whiten in the intensity of their grip on the butt of the nogock; yet the middle finger lay light and gentle, just holding in place the slender shaft of the harpoon, whose slate head, blue and cold, extended down and in front of the throwing hand.

"Kill him!" replied the other, who was the brother of Van Ormon. "He mus never got to de white mens. Dey would come and rob us all." "Very likely. Some people are bad enough to do anything; but I have half killed this fellow already, you may do your share, and finish him, if you like." "No Shames; as you pegins this little job, it is besh you finish it yourself."

On the contrary, as is common with barbarous chiefs, Rob Roy appears to have mixed his professions of principle with a large alloy of craft and dissimulation, of which his conduct during the civil war is sufficient proof.

She called to know who was there, and receiving no answer, repeated the call; but a chilling silence followed. It occurred to her for, at this moment, she could not reason on the probability of circumstances that some one of the strangers, lately arrived at the castle, had discovered her apartment, and was come with such intent, as their looks rendered too possible to rob, perhaps to murder, her.

It now grew upon him, however, that he was losing in spiritual vigour, and that his soul's health was declining under this new regimen. The work now so pressed upon him as to prevent proper reading of the Word and rob him of leisure for secret prayer. A 'chance remark' there is no chance in a believer's life! made by the brother at whose house he was abiding at Plymouth, much impressed him.

The Professor had a son about eight or nine years old, a lively, stout boy of his age, with whose appearance our Highland Robin Hood was much taken. On the day before his departure from the house of his learned relative, Rob Roy, who had pondered deeply how he might requite his cousin's kindness, took Dr.

The usual cost of a first-class canoe of seventy pounds' weight, built after the model of the Rob Roy or Nautilus, with all its belongings, is about one hundred and twenty-five dollars; and these figures deter many a young man from enjoying the ennobling and healthful exercise of canoeing.

"Nor storm nor stress can rob her of her beauty," he thought. "However sweet and self-sacrificing Jane Aydelot may be, the Plains would have broken her long ago." He turned about at once and came back to where Thaine stood beside his mother. "This is Jim Shirley's little girl, Mrs. Aydelot," he said, gently patting Leigh's shoulder. "That's my wife," little Thaine said gravely.

I have been a thief from a child. When I was but a little one, I gave myself to rob orchards, and to do other such like wicked things, and I have continued a thief ever since. My lord, there has not been a robbery committed these many years, within so many miles of this place, but I have either been at it, or privy to it.

Rob, did you see the picture in the other room that looks so like Gordon? It seems almost as if it must have been painted from him." She flitted back into the outer room. Roberta stood still before the desk, above which hung the portrait of the lovely young woman who had been Richard's mother. Younger than Roberta herself she looked; such a girl to pass away and leave her baby, her first-born!