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How much his poor father would have been delighted in him? Mr. Crawfurd rejoiced, although he was too righteous and humble-minded to say to himself that God was appeased, or that He had permitted this atonement as a sign in answer to his life-long penance.

There was a torrent of words in Gavin, but only these trickled forth "I don't understand you." "You are not angry any more?" pleaded the Egyptian. "Angry!" he cried, with the righteous rage of one who when his leg is being sawn off is asked gently if it hurts him. "I know you are, she sighed, and the sigh meant that men are strange. "Have you no respect for law and order?" demanded Gavin.

For this is the commandment which ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of the wicked one, and slew his brother: and wherefore did he slay him? Because his own works were wicked, and those of his brother righteous. Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.

The work that is worth doing, the work which God regards as 'righteous, comes, and comes only, from the motives of 'remembering Thee in Thy ways, and rejoicing because we do remember. And the gladness which is wholesome and blessed, and is 'joy in the Lord, will manifest itself by efflorescing into all holiness and all loftiness and largeness of obedience.

Now shall every going into this city, and every going out thereof, stand where it ought; and now shall every tower and fortress on this wall be placed as in the days of old; which towers and fortresses are the glorious names and attributes of the Father and Christ; for the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous flee into it, and are safe.

From that moment the sheep had begun to gather to the fold that is to say, the camps and offer their valueless lives and their valuable wool to the "righteous cause." Why, even the very men who had lately been slaves were in the "righteous cause," and glorifying it, praying for it, sentimentally slabbering over it, just like all the other commoners.

My Lord, said she, when the righteous Judge shall appear, it will be known that his doctrine is not the doctrine of the devil. Twis. My Lord, said he, to Judge Hale, do not mind her, but send her away. Hale.

No Jacobite of Memphis would have dared to express her grief so publicly for the death of a Melchite; and as the chorus of voices swelled, the thought struck her with a chill that it must be her uncle and friend who had closed his weary eyes in death. It was with deep emotion and many tears that she perceived how sincerely the death of this righteous man was bewailed by all his fellow-citizens.

The knight raised the visor of his helmet. The evening sun shone resplendently on his damasked blue armour and the St. Andrew's cross on his breast, and lighted up that red fire that lurked in his eyes, and withal the calm power and righteous indignation on his features might have befitted an avenging angel wielding the lightning.

For time would fail me if I tried to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets they who through faith conquered kingdoms, did righteous acts, received promises from God, closed the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, in the hour of weakness were made strong, who proved mighty in war and put to flight foreign armies!