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The military operations fading away in the duchies without being succeeded by permanent peace, the Count, as he was called, with no particular claim to such title, had accepted a thousand florins a year as retainer from the Union and had found occupation under Charles Emmanuel. Here the Spanish soldier of a year or two before found much satisfaction and some profit in fighting Spanish soldiers.

Gatewood smiled. "If," he said, "you will undertake to find the person I cannot find, I must ask you to accept a retainer." "We don't require retainers," replied Keen. "Unless we find the person sought for, we make no charges, Mr. Gatewood." "I must ask you to do so in my case. It is not fair that you should undertake it on other terms. I desire to make a special arrangement with you.

The lad slipped away and the retainer led Kenkenes into a long chamber near the end of the corridor. The hall had been darkened to keep out the glare of the day, air being admitted only through a slatted blind against which a shrub in the court outside beat its waxen leaves.

We have seen how religious persecution during preceding reigns, at the time of the Reformation, had encouraged private domestic life of families, in the smaller rooms and apart from the gossiping retainer, who might at any time bring destruction upon the household by giving information about items of conversation he had overheard.

These presents given in advance to secure the kindly favor of the Scribes are interesting as the precursors of that institution dear to every English barrister, and not unknown nor even objectionable to American lawyers, to wit, the Retainer.

Webster told him that his public and professional engagements were overwhelming, and that it was impossible for him to take up anything new. Clarke put a thousand dollars on the table and pleaded with Mr. Webster to accept a retainer.

Could I take her away and put her under the protection of the Court at Pretoria? Yes, but with the same result. I wondered what my Hottentot retainer, Hans, would have advised, he who was named Light-in-Darkness, and in his own savage way was the cleverest and most cunning man that I have met. Alas! I could not raise him from the grave to tell me, and yet I knew well what he would have answered.

These two adventurous travellers were a wealthy and eccentric Englishman, named Louis Holt, and Thomas Jackson, his devoted retainer, and these two had taken it into their heads or rather Louis Holt had taken it into his head to achieve in fact the feat which Jules Verne had so graphically described in fiction, and to cross Africa in a balloon.

Does five hundred dollars go for getting the fair lady a divorce?" "You mean that as a retainer?" asked Lawyer Gooch, softly interrogative. "Hey? No; for the whole job. It's enough, ain't it?" "My fee," said Lawyer Gooch, "would be one thousand five hundred dollars. Five hundred dollars down, and the remainder upon issuance of the divorce." A loud whistle came from client number one.

"We all deem that line only meant to cross our designs," said Friedel. "Yet, Heinz, I would I knew how to find out what passed when thou wast gone. Is there no servant at the inn no retainer of Schlangenwald that aught could be learnt from?" "By St.