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The guilty and pampered duchess was taken ill hopelessly so, with a sickness that destroyed all her beauty. She became sallow, pallid, gaunt, emaciate, haggard. The selfish, heartless king wished to see her no more. He did not conceal his repugnance, and quite forsook her. The humiliation, distress, and abandonment of the guilty duchess was more than she could bear.

"One word more," said I; "you tell me that Lilian has a repugnance to this Margrave, and yet that she found comfort in his visits, a comfort that could not be wholly ascribed to cheering words he might say about myself, since it is all but certain that I was not, at that time, uppermost in her mind. Can you explain this apparent contradiction?"

The closer union of an external marriage did not invest the husband with any new attractions for his wife. The more intimately she knew him, the deeper became her repugnance. He had no interior qualities in harmony with her own. An intensely selfish man, it was impossible for him to inspire a feeling of love in a mind so pure in its impulses, and so acute in its perceptions. If Mrs.

"No, we must ride; I would not lose a minute," Nathanael answered, as he hurried her into a conveyance, and gave the order to drive to Bedford Square. Miss Bowen felt a twinge of repugnance at this control so newly exercised over the liberty of her actions; but her good-heartedness still held out, and she waited patiently for her lover to explain.

He heard Olafaksoah as he entered Annadoah's tent laughing heartily. The thought of Annadoah in the embrace of the big blond man, of her face pressed to his in the white men's strange kiss of abomination, aroused in Ootah a sense of violation, an instinctive repugnance akin to the horror a native feels for the dead.

He realised her repugnance, and removed himself. "Do you mean," he said, "because of her?" "Yes," she said, "because of her." He laughed softly. "Dear child she doesn't exist. She doesn't exist." He swept her out of existence with a gesture of his hand. "Not for me at any rate." The emphasis was lost upon her. "It's all nonsense to talk in that way.

It was during their short courtship, he told me, that he had been one day treating his mistress with a profusion of civil speeches the common gallantries to which kind of thing she had hitherto manifested no repugnance but in this instance with no effect. He could not obtain from her a decent acknowledgment in return. She rather seemed to resent his compliments.

"Count, count," continued Charles, shaking his head, "I entertained hope till last night, and that of a good Christian, I swear." Athos looked at the king as if to interrogate him. "Oh, the history is soon related," said Charles. "Proscribed, despoiled, disdained, I resolved, in spite of all my repugnance, to tempt fortune one last time.

In the mind of the man of today still lingered something of that "perpetual governor" who considered the Jewish converts on the island as a separate and degraded race. The dead command! Now he understood the inevitable repugnance, the arrogance he had felt as he came into contact with the obsequious and humble Don Benito. Those sentiments were unconquerable, and his aversion irremediable.

And indeed Abner faced Mrs. Whyland's little circle, when the time finally came round, with much less sense of irksomeness and repugnance than he had expected. Some twenty or thirty people assembled in the Whyland drawing-room on one mid-March evening, and he soon perceived, with a great relief, that they meant to respect both him and their hostess.