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"I wish you could see, Miss Renie, a new Killarney my gardener showed me in the hothouse yesterday before I left white-and-pink blend; he got the clipping from Jamaica. It's a pale pink in the heart like the first minute when the sun rises; and then it gets pinker and pinker toward the outside petals, till it just bursts out as red as the sun when it's ready to set."

I only asked you to marry a me to give you a chance; remember you're nobody's child, and I've hooked on to the secret." "You're a mean man, Sol Burton, to threaten me!" "Well, the fact is, Renie, I like you! I'm dead in love with you, and I'm willing to marry yer, and that's more than most of the fellows round here would do, knowing all I know."

"My child, that man has designs against you; it is time that I told you all I know concerning yourself!" "Do so, father." The old smuggler proceeded and related to Renie all that he had told to Garcia, and also stated the Cuban's proposition.

The poor woman, who found it difficult enough to repeat correctly the few Latin words she had learned by rote, made an impatient movement, and said But the words "Je renie" had been heard so distinctly that the monk's assertion was greeted with jeers, and the sub-prior reprimanded him publicly as a liar.

I can take care of myself, forewarned, you know, is forearmed. Goodnight, Renie." "I shall never forgive myself if you are injured!" "Thank you for your interest; but you need have no fear. I can take care of myself; the crew of the yacht 'Nancy' will not toss me to the fishes to-night." The girl turned and walked away under the moonlight, and a strange impulse caused the detective to follow her.

"No, sir; the day following the bringing of the child ashore the yacht sailed away and never since has her prow plowed the waters of the bay. Nor has anyone belonging to her ever been seen in these parts." "And how long ago did this occur?" "Nigh onto seventeen years ago, sir." "And Renie is about eighteen years old?" "Thereabouts, sir." "It is not likely that she will ever be claimed."

"Well, I was a pretty wild sort of man in those days, and it's my idea that many precious jewels are hidden in that box." The eyes of the man Garcia glistened as he asked: "What makes you think so?" "Well, my old woman let fall many strange hints now and then, and always said that Renie would be rich some day immensely rich." "She meant when claimed by her friends?"

It was accident that brought you and me together; but I had come to believe, although I have only known you for a few hours, that you were the good angel who would open the sealed book." The detective advanced close to the girl, fixed his eyes upon her, and, while a bright flush reddened his cheek, he said, in an earnest tone: "And so I will, Renie!"

The detective had determined to arouse old Pearce, and in collusion with the old boatman send Renie out to interview the man in the rubber coat. As also intimated our hero had reached certain conclusions regarding the stranger, and in his own mind he felt assured that the man was urged by some ulterior motive,

She rammed the ends of her fists tight against her eyes until Catherine wheels spun and spun against her lids. "Let me think just a minute." "There's nobody, Renie nobody nobody no way." "Four thousand!" "No-body, I tell you, Renie. But I'll kill myself before I " Renie stood up. "Izzy! I will!" He was whimpering frankly against her skirt. After a while she raised her face.