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"On the 14th of November, at Volkowitz, Sacken attacked Regnier, separated him from the Austrians, and pressed him so closely, that he was obliged to call Schwartzenberg to his aid. Immediately, the latter, as if he had been expecting the summons, retrograded, leaving Minsk to its fate.

That will do as well as any other eh?" and he laughed. "But last night you were not open with me, my dear Henri," I replied; "therefore why should I be open with you?" "Well for your own sake." "What do you mean?" "I mean this," said Regnier, with a glance at his silent friend, who still retained his mask, and to whom he had not introduced me.

The First Consul, convinced that his old minister knew more than his new one, dismissed Regnier, and remained a long time in consultation with Fouche, who on that occasion said nothing about his reinstatement for fear of exciting suspicion. He only requested that the management of the business might be entrusted to Real, with orders to obey whatever instructions he might receive from him.

The First Consul, convinced that his old minister knew more than his new one, dismissed Regnier, and remained a long time in consultation with Fouche, who on that occasion said nothing about his reinstatement for fear of exciting suspicion. He only requested that the management of the business might be entrusted to Real, with orders to obey whatever instructions he might receive from him.

While the British were taking up their ground between Busaco and Pena Cova, Ney and Regnier arrived on the crest of the opposite hill. Had they attacked at once, as Ney wished, they might have succeeded; for the divisions of Spenser, Leith, and Hill had not yet arrived.

At the outset a discrepancy manifests itself in the subsequent testimony of the interlocutors. The Marshal states that Regnier said he came on the part of the Empress with the consent of Bismarck; while Regnier declares that he did not state to the Marshal that he had any mission from the Empress.

Those efforts were made in the years when M. Regnier d'Angely was chief of police, in which my enemies succeeded in withdrawing the confidence of the First Consul from me. But had I been chief of police at that time, I should have been able to tell you that the young man whom you were seeking, and respecting whom you obtained no information, was living here in Paris."

He was Henri Regnier, known to his intimates as "Monsieur le President," because he had once, by personating the President of the Chamber of Deputies, robbed the Crédit Lyonnais of one hundred thousand francs, and served five years at Toulon for it. And across at him the pretty Pierrette shot a quick look of recognition and laughed. "The President" nodded slightly, and laughed back in return.

If you are fond of inspecting curious fire-arms, you should examine the depot d'armes of M. BOUTET in the Rue de la Loi, whose manufactory is at Versailles, and also pay a visit to M. REGNIER, at the Depot Central de l'Artillerie, Rue de l'Universite, who is a very ingenious mechanic, and will shew you several curious articles of his own invention, such as a dynamometre, by means of which you can ascertain and compare the relative strength of men, as well as that of horses and draught-cattle, and also judge of the resistance of machines, and estimate the moving power you wish to apply to them; a potamometre, by which you can tell the force of running streams, and measure the currents of rivers.

"'The President," he responded in a low voice, and I knew that it was Henri Regnier. "You're the very man I want to see. Come over here, and let's talk." Both of us moved away into a corner of the Casino where it was comparatively quiet, and Regnier removed his mask, declaring that the heat was stifling.