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He uncovered her face then and gave her his blunt permission to come up and breathe. She clung to him delightedly. "Oh, Dad, isn't it fun? But you're going to stay at Redlands too?" "For the present," said Dr. Jim. "Who is taking your patients?" she asked him unexpectedly. "A fellow from London, a youngster," said Dr. Jim. "Now no more talking, my girl!

"Where dwelleth your lady?" answered the king. "What is her name, and who is he that hath besieged her?" "For her name," replied the damsel, "as yet I may not tell it; but she is a lady of worship and great lands. The tyrant that besiegeth her and wasteth her lands is called the Red Knight of the Redlands." "I know him not," said Arthur.

Thereafter Nick was permitted to see her for a little every day, and she welcomed his visits with enthusiasm. She would have welcomed Muriel also, but Dr. Jim had decreed that one visitor in the day was enough. She would see Muriel as soon as she was well enough to go to Redlands. "I really think I am well enough to go now," she confided to Nick one morning. "Do try and persuade Dad."

"Still," I again protested, "here are stone walls, and curbed and graded roads." "All made in eight years," he reiterated. "But, in addition to this mountain, how about the twenty miles of orange groves surrounding it, the thirty thousand dollar public library of Redlands, and its miles of asphalt streets?"

The way to Redlands lay through leafy woodlands through which here and there the summer sea gleamed blue. Turning in at the open gates, Muriel uttered an exclamation of delight. She seemed to have suddenly entered fairyland. The house, long, low, rambling, roofed with thatch, stood at the end of a winding drive that was bordered on both sides by a blaze of rhododendron flowers.

Possibly, it has an added charm because of certain peculiar conditions. It was written in Redlands, California, during the winter of 1909-10, although the notion for the little volume occurred to the author while living in Kansas City.

You know you like that better than boring yourself to death at Redlands. 'Never mind that. How did you enjoy your drive? 'Immensely, and I've asked both the little Ottleys to come to dinner tomorrow one of those impulsive, unconsidered invitations that one regrets the second after. I must make up a little party. Will you come?

The railroad took a week to come from Chicago. There wasn't any railroad up the coast. They hadn't begun to irrigate much. Where the Redlands and Riverside orange groves are there was nothing but dry washes and sage-brush desert. It cost big money to send freight. All that was shipped out of the country in a season wouldn't make up one shipment these days.

No, Nick minded nothing, so long as all went well with her; and, on her promise that all should be well, he left her with Cork for guardian. He went back to Redlands over the cliffs, entering his own grounds by a low wire fence, and thence turning inwards towards the garden.

The two o'clock express from Redlands to Forestville, Georgia, had been proceeding with the languid placidity of the river whose banks it skirted for more than two hours.