United States or Ecuador ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'Well, sir, I found the place all right, and no mistake, said he. 'But I tell you what gave me a blue fright! There was a customer standing by the door, and I reckonised him! Who do you think it was, Mr. Anne? W'y, that same Red-Breast him I had breakfast with near Aylesbury. 'You are sure you are not mistaken? I asked. 'Certain sure, he replied. 'Not Mr.

He didn't see my steady qualities were what was needed. He wanted me to be like himself, an eagle, and I was only a robin red-breast." Suddenly his eyes flashed and his teeth set. "You couldn't stand him, wouldn't put up with his tyranny. You wanted to live your own life, and you're doing it.

Gregory, this is a rude country ballad, and we are going to sing it in our accustomed way, even though it shock your city ears. Johnny and Susie, you can join in the chorus;" and she sang the following simple October glee: Katydid, your throat is sore, You can chirp this fall no more; Robin red-breast, summer's past, Did you think 'twould always last?

A marvellous sense of courage, of security, of happiness, was about him, like strong and gentle arms enfolding him and lifting him upward upward upward! Hirschvogel would defend him. The dealers undid the shutters, scaring the red-breast away; and then tramped about in their heavy boots and chatted in contented voices, and began to wrap up the stove once more in all its straw and hay and cordage.

An hour having passed in this airy manner, I start upon my rounds afresh, with a bag full of coloured tickets, all with pins attached, and all with legible inscriptions: "Old Germany," "California," "True Love," "Old Fogies," "La Belle France," "Green Erin," "The Land of Cakes," "Washington," "Blue Jay," "Robin Red-Breast," twenty of each denomination; for when it comes to the luncheon, we sit down by twenties.

And their long kiss, there in sight of their new home-to-be alone there in that desolated world was as natural as the summer breeze, the liquid melody of the red-breast on the blossomy apple-bough above their heads, the white and purple spikes of odorous lilacs along the vine-grown stone wall, the gold and purple dawn now breaking over the distant reaches of the river.

saith the woodman's saw; and they had gathered early this year thrushes and field-fares; many a time the take was so plentiful that our little wallets could scarce hold them, and among them it was a pity to see many a merry, tuneful red-breast. The springes were set at short spaces apart on either side of two forest paths. I went down one and Ann down the other.

At this moment the old man broke in, exclaiming: "My son! my son! I pray you leave me not!" But the young man, with the quickness of a bird, had flown to the top of the lodge and perched himself on the highest pole, having been changed into a beautiful robin red-breast.

He was apt to confound the odd with the grotesque, and to mistake the absurd for the fanciful. By an excellent landscape-painter now living, I was told that Darwin proposed as a subject for his pencil, a shower, in which there should be represented a red-breast holding up an expanded umbrella in its claws.

"It is my son's knife," he said, still cautiously; "but it cannot speak to say how it was taken from him." "The old barbarian heathen," quoth Verronax, under his breath; "he would rather lose his son than his vengeance." Marcus had gathered breath and memory to add, "Tell him Odorik said he would know the token of the red-breast that nested in the winged helm of Helgund."