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You would feel ashamed of your paucity of abuse and ignorance of that noble man compared with what Saleeby has collected on the subject. It is a record of shame that would shame your shame." "'The philosopher of the half-educated, he was called by an academic Philosopher who was not worthy to pollute the atmosphere he breathed.

The record of sinkings of British vessels for the first twenty-four weeks after the "unrestricted" warfare began was as follows: Over Under 1,600 1,600 Smaller Week tons. tons.

An' so he was obligated to say it, an' so it is writ in the family record colume in the big Bible, though I spelt his Senior with a little s, an' writ him down ez the only son of the Senior with the big S, which it seems to me fixes it about right for the time bein'.

All were alarmed at this omen, but Aristander bade them take courage, as it portended that Alexander should perform many famous acts, which would cause poets much trouble to record.

Her amanuensis record how the little song "Where is the Sea" came to her like a strain of music whilst lying in the twilight under the infliction of a blister. In 1828 she published the Records of Woman, the work into which she said she had put her heart and individual feelings more than in anything else she had written.

But the imperfection in the geological record largely results from another and more important cause than any of the foregoing; namely, from the several formations being separated from each other by wide intervals of time. This doctrine has been emphatically admitted by many geologists and palaeontologists, who, like E. Forbes, entirely disbelieve in the change of species.

There are amongst those classes too many who, having little or nothing to lose, are naturally prone to fish in the troubled waters of sedition. In regard to agriculture, which is, and is bound to remain, the greatest of all Indian industries, for it supports 70, and perhaps 80, per cent, of the whole population, the Government of India have no reason to be ashamed of their record.

And it is a matter of record that, on the eastward way again, both McCrea and Geordie dined with Mr.

She took me into her little sitting-room and I then said I spare you the record of my emotions that she was aware that I wished to marry Nancy; that she had seemed to favour my suit and that it appeared to be rather a waste of money upon tickets and rather a waste of time upon travel to let the girl go to India if Leonora thought that there was any chance of her marrying me.

They never smiled. They never laughed. The subtlest points in the play went unnoticed, yet it is one which has had a record run and bids fair to keep the boards for the rest of the season. Suddenly my sister, although we had not spoken of the homesickness that was weighing us down, touched my arm and said, "Look quick! There's one!" "Where? Where?"