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Suddenly recollecting this, the thought of undertaking to scare the formidable monster, had suggested itself to Morton, and he had acted upon it in sheer desperation, impelled by the same instinct that causes a drowning man to catch even at a straw. But, however obtained, our reprieve from danger was only momentary.

And at that thought he wondered a little, recollecting tales of other murderers and the fear they were said to entertain of heavenly avengers. It was not so, at least, with him. He feared the laws of nature, lest, in their callous and immutable procedure, they should preserve some damning evidence of his crime.

Recollecting this, and well aware that it was now on the first day after his arrival that he like Nicias was most formidable to the enemy, Demosthenes determined to lose no time in drawing the utmost profit from the consternation at the moment inspired by his army; and seeing that the counterwall of the Syracusans, which hindered the Athenians from investing them, was a single one, and that he who should become master of the way up to Epipolae, and afterwards of the camp there, would find no difficulty in taking it, as no one would even wait for his attack, made all haste to attempt the enterprise.

It was only when the Hôtel de Périgny loomed before him, with its bleak walls and sinister cheval-de-frise, that his sense of locality revived. He raised a hand which cast a silent malediction on this evil house and its master, swung about and hurried back to the tavern, recollecting that Gabrielle and Paul were together. "And all those dreams of her, they vanish like the hours.

But now, not my ears only are unstopped to hear and understand the doctrine of Jesus and the hymns we sing, but I feel that what I hear and learn penetrates into my heart, and since I am thus inwardly affected, warmed, and enlivened, I am the more astonished and amazed at the change, when recollecting, that I have been so hard and callous, that whenever any of my nearest relations departed this life, being taken from my side by death, I was not able to weep a tear for them; but now I can shed a flood of tears, both from a fervent desire of living intimately attached to Jesus, and for delight and pleasure to think what happiness I should enjoy if incessantly thus disposed.

"All the same you should have some of the money." "I'm well as I be. An' this dead-man-shoe talk's vain an' giddy. I lay he'm long ways from death, an' the further the better. Now I be gwaine to pack my box 'fore supper." Mrs. Blanchard withdrew, and Chris, suddenly recollecting it, mentioned Martin Grimbal's visit.

The well-known voice no sooner struck the ears of Cecilia, than instantly recollecting it, she screamed, and, is suddenly endeavouring to spring forward, fell to the ground.

For a moment he hesitated, and then, recollecting the high post to which I had tacitly been appointed in his household, he replied: "I am going as one of the Marine sentries." "It's no use, Dawson," protested I emphatically. "You are a wonder at disguise, and will look, I do not doubt, the very spit of a Marine. But you can't pass among the men for half an hour without discovery.

"Where are they?" said I, recollecting how I had seen him lift up the board under his bed-place. "I have them safe," replied Jackson, "and it necessary, will tell you where to find them." This reply satisfied me, and I allowed him to proceed. "We buried him in the guano, by the side of the two others, and now we were but three.

"In the first place," said I, recollecting the scene near Charleston bar, "we will clinch the end of the cable around the mast, and then we can veer out as much as we like, without risk of its running away." This was soon done, and by veering cable, the sloop dropped astern, until clear of all other vessels. I then found, to my satisfaction, that neither of the cables had parted.