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''Tis thrue for him, your raverence; he was murthered twiste over, whoever he was rest his sowl; and the sexton, who had nearly completed his work, got out of the grave again, with a demure activity, and raising the brown relic with great reverence, out of regard for my good uncle, he turned it about slowly before the eyes of the curate, who scrutinised it, from a little distance, with a sort of melancholy horror.

Well, by the time Jim kem to himself, the family persaved the mistake, an' Andy wint home, lavin' Nell to make the explanation. An' as soon as Jim heerd it all, he said he was quite contint to lave her to Andy, entirely; but the priest would not hear iv it; an' he jist med him marry his wife over again, an' a merry weddin' it was, an' a fine collection for his raverence.

'Well, your raverence, says Andy, 'take whatever you like, says he; 'only make sure it won't annoy us any more, says he.

'If your raverence 'id do that same, it 'id be plasin' to us, says Andy. 'It'll be rather expinsive, says the priest. 'We'll not differ about the price, your raverence, says Andy. 'Did the sperit stop long? says the priest. 'Most part iv the night, says Nell, 'the Lord be merciful to us all! says she. 'That'll make it more costly than I thought, says he.

"No, no, avick, don't be thinking about the likes; take a fool's advice, and never go next to near them ugly black walls again the longest day you have to live; an' I'd take my davy, it's what it's the same word the priest himself id be afther sayin' to you if you wor to ax his raverence consarnin' it, for it's plain to be seen it was nothing good you seen there, and there's neither luck nor grace about it."

Well, his raverence tould the ould people then, there was no use in sthrivin' agin the will iv Providence an' the vagaries iv love united; an' whin they kem to undherstand to a sartinty how Billy had a shillin' a day for the rest iv his days, begorra they took rather a likin' to him, and considhered at wanst how he must have riz out of all his nansinse entirely, or his gracious Majesty id never have condescinded to show him his countenance that way every day of his life, on a silver shillin'.

'By my sowkins, says Nell, 'it's bad enough we are, your raverence, says she, 'for it's poor Jim's sperit, says she; 'God rest his sowl, wherever it is, says she, 'that was wandherin' up an' down, opossite the door all night, says she, 'in the way it was no use at all, thryin' to get a wink iv sleep, says she. 'It's to lay it, you want me, I suppose, says the priest.

It wasn't an imparial though, an' more's the pity, for them wasn't anvinted antil short since; but divil a much matther it signifies any longer if a pint could hould two quarts, let alone what it does, sinst Father Mathew the Lord purloin his raverence begin'd to give the pledge, an' wid the blessin' iv timperance to deginerate Ireland.

Bagshot, iv Thomas Street sayin', if you'll be plazed to look at it that 'tis a good marriage, an' that if he marries any other woman, gentle or simple, he'll take the law iv him in my daughter's cause, the black, parjured villian, an' transport him, with a burnt hand, for bigamany; an' 'twas only right, my lady, as the townspeople was talking, as if it was as how he was thryin' to invagle you, Miss, the desaver, for he'd charrum the birds off the trees, the parjurer; and I'll tell his raverence all about it when I see him, in the morning for 'tis only right he should know.

''Tis no place for the like of yous, said old John Tracy, gruffly, for he knew them, with the privilege of an old servant. 'If you want to see his raverence, you must come in the morning. 'But it may be something, John, that can't wait, and that I can do, said Lily.