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She threw a fresh light on matters the gossips already talked about; among others were Grace's visit to Mireside the morning Railton's sheep were counted and her meeting with Kit before he went to look for the Herdwicks. When she stopped Bell knitted his brows. "If it was used right, I might mak' some use o' this," he observed.

"Well," he said, "I think you're wrang. Your friends have been talking aboot the thing and wadn't like t' see you gan." He gave Railton the envelope, adding: "It's a loan." Railton's hand shook as he took out a bundle of bank-notes. "You're good neebors," he said in a strained voice. "But I dinna think I ought to tak' your money. There's a risk."

As they struck across a wet field Grace said: "I suppose Railton's flock is below the proper standard and the count is short?" "Yes; the two or three wet years have hit flock-masters hard and Railton had to sell more stock than was prudent, in order to pay his debts." "Then if he can't pay the difference in number and value, the lease can be broken?"

"True, my boy, true; you put another case. But anyhow it makes no difference. If it lies at the bottom of the sea, whether in Railton's pocket or not, the secret is safe. If it is in Colliver's possession the secret is safe, unless he has seen and learnt by heart this half of the inscription.

The student is advised to select some portion of this, as well as of the preceding example to copy, using, no matter how small the drawings he may make, a pen not smaller than number 303. I know of no architectural illustrator who hits stonework off quite so cleverly as Mr. Goodhue. Mr. Railton's sketches are full of clever suggestion for the architectural illustrator in the way of texture.

Railton's daughter had for a time helped the housekeeper at Tarnside, and Grace, hearing that the farmer had been ill, was going to ask about him. It was nearly dark when she entered the big kitchen. The lamp had not been lighted, but a peat fire burned in the wide grate, where irons for cooking pots hung above the blaze.

I do not think I am wrong, when I mark what it proves. It proves, first, that these two ruffians for ruffians they both were, as we must conclude, in spite of John Railton's melancholy end it proves, I say, that these two sailed along with your father. They come home with him, are wrecked, and your father's body is found murdered.

The textures in the latter drawing are wonderfully well conveved, the hard, bony face, the stubby beard, and the woolen cap with its tassel in silhouette. For the expression of texture with the least effort the drawings of Vierge are incomparable. The architectural drawing by Mr. Railton's work with a good deal of reservation, however.

Simon, that is to say Rhodojani, was in love with Lucy Railton, and his conduct, says she, was strange before leaving; but he pretended to be John Railton's friend, and, from what you say, must have had an astonishing influence over the unhappy man.

"He was saying something about 'Jenny not finding a husband' when John Railton struck him." "Then it's clear as daylight that he's called Simon, and not Georgio. He paused for a moment, absorbed in thought; then resumed "This Lucy Railton is John Railton's wife and keeps a public-house called the 'Welcome Home! on the Barbican, Plymouth.