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Miriam stood incredulous at her side as she indicated a large empty chest of drawers, a white covered bed in a deep corner away from the window, a small drawer in the dressing-table and five pegs in a large French wardrobe. Emma was going very gravely about the room collecting her work-basket and things for raccommodage. She flung one ecstatic glance at Miriam as she went away with these.

"You are a real musician, Miss Henderson," said Fraulein, advancing. Every other day or so Miriam found she could get an hour on a bedroom piano; and always on a Saturday morning during raccommodage. She rediscovered all the pieces she had already learned. She went through them one by one, eagerly, slurring over difficulties, pressing on, getting their effect, listening and discovering.

Behind her distress two impressions went to and fro Fraulein and the raccommodage party sitting in judgment and the whole roomful waiting for cancer. Very gently at the end of half an hour Fraulein dismissed the Germans to practise. Herr Schraub was coming at eleven. Miriam supposed she was free until then and went upstairs. On the landing she met Mademoiselle coming downstairs with mending.

Taking a last look round she caught the eye of Eve's photograph gazing steadily at her from the chest of drawers.... It would be quite easy now that this had happened to write and tell them that the Pomerania plan had come to nothing. Evidently Fraulein approved of her, after all. In the schoolroom she found the raccommodage party gathered round the table.

She would stay in this wonderful place.. .. She came singing down through the quiet house the sunlight poured from bedroom windows through open doors. She reached the quiet saal. Here stood the great piano, its keyboard open under the light of the French window opposite the door through which she came. Behind the great closed swing doors the girls were talking over their raccommodage.

The rest of the girls were gathered in the large schoolroom under the care of Mademoiselle for Saturday's raccommodage. It was the last hour of the week's work. Presently there would be a great gonging, the pianos would cease, Fraulein's voice would sound up through the house "Anziehen zum Aus-geh-hen!"

It must be raccommodage thought Miriam the weekly mending Mademoiselle had told her of. Mademoiselle was superintending. Miriam listened. This was a sort of French lesson. They all sat round and did their mending together in French darning must be quite different done like that, she reflected.